My robot experiment: Distribute my voting power to the hands of good human curators 我的机器人实验,通过跟踪人肉点赞的方式分散我的投票权力

Everybody are worrying about the centralization of voting power on steemit today, more than 90% of the active voting power are in the hands of 117 whales, 253 dolphins share 6% of the voting power, the total voting power of 5726 active users is less than 1%,see the picture below:


Time is precious , whales only have limit time to read a few posts and curate, some of the whales like @wang are using robots to vote the top authors only, most of the good posts were ignored, top authors are happy, but most of other authors are disappointed.

@dan posted about people rank, even thought about remove the curation rewards completely , @smooth thought it won't work, because whales will accept bribe to vote, @xiaohui and i talked about this a few days ago, and we thought maybe use robot to follow good curators will work, so we are working on our robot experiment recently.

I talked about this with @isteemit yesterday, and i invited him to join our experiment, so i added his user name to the follow list. I will give you an example to explain how it works, this morning, @norbu posted this Introducing Steemit to Nepal: The First Ever Steemit Meetup in Kathmandu 13th Aug. 2016. Steemit on Top of the World, Literally!!

he is not in the top author list, so @wang 's robot didn't vote for him, @smooth 's robot didn't vote for him as well, all of the other robots didn't vote for him, but @isteemit voted for him, because he is living in Nepal and he followed @norbu, after a few seconds, my robot voted for this post, because @isteemit is in the follow list, one hour later, a few whales noticed this post, voted, and 4 hours later, @dantheman voted it. No other robots voted it, most of the robots voting the top authors only.

Today, i added another good curator to my follow list, he is @nanzo-scoop , i found out he spend a lot of time reading posts, and wrote two articles about how to vote:

Curating for Profit - Tip #1: Make your objectives SMART!

Curating for Profit - Tip #2: Don't vote on posts that have been "WHALE BOMBED!"

Our community needs those good curators to identify good contents, otherwise, authors will leave, readers will leave too.

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