🗞 Daily Crypto News, September, 24th💰

  • Kim Dotcom to Sell His ‘Built on Bitcoin’ Token Next Month on Bitfinex ;
  • My Top 5 STEEM Ecosystem Investments: #1 EpicDice (EPC) ! ;
  • Crypto-Powered IoT Networks Are on Their Way to Over 250 US Cities ;
  • In Rare Deal, Crypto Custodian Wins Insurance on Full Value of Client Assets ;
  • 📑 Daily Crypto Calendar, September, 24th💰
  • STEEM Trading Update

Welcome to the Daily Crypto News: A complete Press Review, Coin Calendar and Trading Analysis. Enjoy!

🗞 Kim Dotcom to Sell His ‘Built on Bitcoin’ Token Next Month on Bitfinex

A Bitcoin-integrated token

Per the release, K.IM has raised $2.5 million in funding from BnkToTheFuture, Bitcoin Capital and Max Keiser. According to the project’s roadmap, the platform is expected to go live in Q3 2020 alongside a formal listing on Bitfinex.

Entrepreneur, digital rights activist and founder of now-defunct file-sharing website Megaupload, Kim Dotcom, commented on the development:

“Combining the internet with Bitcoin gives us a real chance of achieving the original promise of the internet; freedom of speech, commerce and finance. [...] I founded K.im to allow artists, content creators and digital businesses to cut out all the middlemen and sell content and digital goods without censorship and outside of monopolies.”

🗞 My Top 5 STEEM Ecosystem Investments: #1 EpicDice (EPC) !

I decided to start a serie of posts about my investments in the STEEM ecosystem as a lot of you don't have information on all projects going on in our great ecosystem.

My first and favorite investment is EpicDice (EPC)

You can find their website by here

This is a gambling dapp (dice game) which is rewarding daily Token holders with 50% of its earnings.

Meaning if the House earns 100 STEEM on a given day, 50 STEEM will be given as dividends to EPC Token Holders !

My Full analysis can be found HERE

🗞 Crypto-Powered IoT Networks Are on Their Way to Over 250 US Cities

When internet-of-things (IoT) startup Helium first announced its crypto-mining modems, sales of the devices were limited to users in Austin, Texas.

The company quickly sold out of its first production run designated for the Texas capital, but now Helium is shipping units much more broadly, to 263 cities around the United States, CoinDesk has learned.

Of that group, a company spokesperson said the key cities are New York, San Francisco, Boulder, Denver, Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Houston and Seattle. Shipments for this next wave of hotspot production should begin in October.

Marcela Gomez, a researcher at the University of Pittsburgh who has looked at economic models for computing networks, told CoinDesk:

“Several approaches have been researched, especially within the cognitive radio domain, for radios to cooperate with each other so that they can use network resources more efficiently when transferring data. The Helium case seems like a good example of putting this to practice.”

🗞 In Rare Deal, Crypto Custodian Wins Insurance on Full Value of Client Assets

Marsh & McLennan, the world’s largest insurance broker, has arranged an unusually generous and comprehensive insurance program for a new cryptocurrency custodian called KNØX.

Unveiled Tuesday, Montreal-based KNØX is courting wealth managers and hedge funds with its cold storage service, in which the cryptographic private keys to a wallet are kept offline. To give potential clients additional peace of mind, the insurance arranged by Marsh covers them in case of external theft and internal collusion, up to the full value of their holdings.

The KNØX program was developed with Marsh to remove ambiguity of this sort, Daskalov told CoinDesk:

“Often we see people purchase an insurance policy and then hold in the aggregate funds well above the limit of that insurance policy. So for us, it was an important guarantee that when a customer is on-boarded to our platform, the full value of their assets is insured.”

📑 Daily Crypto Calendar, September, 24th💰

  • Enigma (ENG)

"The mainnet token snapshot for ENG ends on this day. You must hold mainnet ENG to receive testENG you can use to stake testnet nodes."

  • TRON (TRX)

"Next Tuesday, September 24 (PDT) at 20:00, I will host a livestream to discuss the exciting updates in 3.6.5, our progress through Q3..."

  • Cappasity (CAPP)

Cappasity showcases its solution for Digital Signage in luxury stores at Paris Retail Week from September 24 - 26.

  • Storj (STORJ)

"Catch our quarterly town hall on September 24 and find out what we’ve been up to as we approach production launch."


STEEM Trading Update by my friend @cryptopassion

Here is the chart of yersterday :


Here is the current chart :


The BTC correction is sending STEEM in the direction of our support line at 0.154$ which has been created weeks ago with the last low. It will be very interesting to see how the STEEM will react on that level. We should have a bounce from it but in the case of a big correction from the BTC, we could have a bad surprise and break our support... Let's see what the market will give us in the coming hours on that level.

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