Write a Steemit Web App: Part 14 - Recap

(Previous Post: Part 13)


Here is a recap of the posts in the "Write a Steemit Web App" series so far:

Part 1 - Hello User
Provides some skeleton code that can be used as a starter for a web app based on Bootstrap and Vue.js. Demonstrates how to fetch Account data and interpret reputation.

Part 2 - Followers and Following
Demonstrates how to get the follower/following counts, as well as enumerating the lists of followers/followings.

Part 3 - Current Voting Power
Demonstrates how to calculate the current voting power for the current point in time.

Part 4 - Calculating Steem Power
Demonstrates how to calculate an account's Steem Power.

Part 5 - Listing Tags
Demonstrates how to fetch the list of tags (categories).

Part 6 - Follow/Unfollow Somebody
Demonstrates how to broadcast custom JSON in order to follow/unfollow somebody.

Part 7 - Bandwidth Availability
Demonstrates how to calculate a user's bandwidth availability.

Part 8 - Retrieving Content with getState()
Demonstrates how to fetch content using getState().

Part 9 - Retrieving Content with getDiscussionsBy*()
Demonstrates how to fetch content with the different getDiscussionsBy*() functions.

Part 10 - Retrieving Comments with getContentReplies()
Demonstrates how to fetch replies using getContentReplies().

Part 11 - Posting Content
Demonstrates how to create new content for Steemit.

Part 12 - Voting
Demonstrates how to vote, and how to calculate how much a vote was worth.

Part 13 - How to Calculate a Vote's RShares
Demonstrates how to calculate how much a vote should be worth before it is actually places.

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