Proposal - Burn Author Rewards For A Post Via Condenser

Proposal - Burn Author Rewards For A Post Via Condenser


  • Burn All Author Rewards On A Post Via Beneficiary


  • Some users do not care about their post earnings. One thing these users can do is to Deny Payout, but that isn't really a great option for many because it means those rewards will still be created and distributed, therefore increasing the available supply. Also, curators will not receive their rewards for voting a post that denied payout. Another option, which this proposal addresses, would be to burn all of the Author Rewards via a beneficiary channel to @null. This would allow curators to still receive curation rewards, but the Author Rewards would be burned and not add to the available STEEM supply.

Proof of Concept

  • This post utilizes the proposed code changes to burn all Author Rewards to @null. Curation rewards will still be distributed.


  • Screen Shot 2017-12-22 at 7.34.04 PM.png
  • Screen Shot 2017-12-22 at 7.54.22 PM.png

How To Use

Utopian Contribution

Vote @netuoso as Witness

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