Add Ability To Burn Author Rewards Via UI

Add Ability To Burn Author Rewards Via UI

Pinterest Source


Currently the only option to denying a payout is to burn ALL rewards. This means curators do not get paid, and the rewards are simply redistributed to the rewards pool.


Add the "Burn Author Rewards" comment option. This option will burn all author rewards to null via a beneficiary channel.


Since some users are not really dependent on their post earnings, they might wish to burn the author rewards. One reason for this action would be to ensure those rewards are not added to the available supply of STEEM. Burning this STEEM results in decreased supply with an unaffected demand, therefore likely higher market prices.

There is little to no downside of implementing this minor change, but the potential upside is drastic. Having less STEEM available on the market will mean higher prices for every single investor!

How To Use

This pull request is live on and can be used immediately. A formal pull request has been submitted to the main Condenser upstream and will hopefully be merged as soon as the changes are verified and tested. Simply go to the SteemLiberator website and when you make a new post, choose "Burn Author Rewards" under the payout options.


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Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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