I travel the world Part 123: Steemfest Day 1

Heidi, Heidi at Steemfest !!!

We don't know who decided that everybody had to be in the lobby at 8;15.. I barely made it after posting my morning post on Steemit.com. Anyway around 120 of the 150 Steemfest visitors made it to the Pier and we boarded the Boats to the Steemfest Venue. (The rest was still drunk and sleeping off too many beers)

I found Heidi the most famous travel blogger on Steemit and we had a great talk about her travels and her life in Portugal.

Heidi Superstar!!

@ned and @nanzo-scoop

Ready to go captain!!!

Beautiful isn't it???

This was a sign for me, what black swan event... @dantheman, Steemit is alive and we the community will make it work!!! 

Do you see the White Swan?? That's proof we are on the right way!!!

The tour took us through amsterdam and showed us some famous buildings and one famous ship of the Royal Dutch Navy...

Walking to the Steemfest Venue 

Getting Closer...

Heidi was our Model on the Red Carpet !!!

My buddy @razvanelulmarin doing the check-in

The Venue! 

@ned talking to @mrs.steemit

And the events begins

Steemfest is only possible because of your donations, thank you to many people and especially to these guys!!!

Again thank you for putting money into the Travelfund! It's really appreciated!!!

4 month of blogging and I made a lot cyber friends on Steemit. But nothing is better than meeting these people in real life. Everybody is amazing and I never did meet so many interesting people in one space. Another amazing thing which reminds me of @capitalism 's legendary explanation of Steemit " Steemit is bitcoin with woman" this is pretty true, as we got a lot women joining us from all over the world. That's refreshing I was expecting 150 geeks only talking about anarchy and tech stuff... !!!

I will post another update soon, to be honest I just went back to the hotel to write this post for your guys.. !!!

Let's get ready to rumbbbbbllllllleeee!!!!

I am blogging about the following topics :

ABOUT ME: Some insides into my Steemit life  

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