The Steemit Roadshow is Attracting Some Attention in Copenhagen!!!! Freetown Christiania!!!! Steemfest Here We Come!!!!


I am honoured to announce the start of the Steemit Roadshow, and there is no better place to kick it all off than Freetown, Christiania.

For those of you that don't know, Christiania is a perfect example of what can happen when people stop listening to their government and decide to do their own thing. Back in the 70's a group of hippies decided to start up their own Freetown bang smack in the middle Copenhagen in an old disused army barracks, the government have been trying to get this land back for 40yrs but every time they fail due to the resilient folk of Christiania banding together and fighting off any attack from the Danish Government.

For me this is exactly what cryptos and steemit are all about, it's a giant middle finger to the corporate governments that have enslaved us for so long, it's a way of saying "No Mr Politician, You Work For Me Now." This is why I symbolically chose Christiania as the starting point for the Steemit Roadshow.

I'm not sure what it is but I seem to have no problem with getting people to stop in their tracks, and start listening to me going on about steemit and how amazing it is, at first I thought it was because I offer them free coffee & cookies but 80% of the people I pull in are not interested in the free stuff, they seem mesmerised when I tell them you can "Get Paid For Being Social" (that's my new motto for steemit which I will print on my new flyers).

You CAN lead a horse to water AND make it drink.

I really got the impression that people were very very interested in what I was saying, I also promised the ones that wanted to give it a go that I would resteem them, upvote them and gently guide them along in the early stages.


My laminated print outs really help me when explaining steemit, and how it all works, understanding the password system was what nearly put me off steemit when I first joined.

I am very happy with the results and I really look forward to continuing this road show which will be stopping at all major cities between here and steemfest in Portugal. Although I made it look easy I can assure you this has not been a walk in the park, I had planned on having a much better table and a back drop but as a lot of you know

SOMETHING CAME UP, and then getting here was also NOT EASY.

Once I had made it to Christiania I then had to convince the top dog that it was a good idea to let me start the road show here, it was touch and go for a while, but I managed to win him over $$$ and my vision became a reality as always :)

A vision was born.

I need all your support so I can continue this roadshow, believe it or not this has cost me a lot of money and time, the logistics of it all were much more than I had anticipated so please resteem and upvote this project.

Peace and love to the World.


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