NEW Creamy & Delicious Interview With a SteemFest Star: @saramiller, Master in Training

I am excited and honored to be here on Steemit and sharing with you this Creamy & Delicious Interview series with the SteemFest Stars!

I hope to shed some light on just how awesome SteemFest is going to be and help you get to know some of the many Steemit Stars that will be sharing with us this year at SteemFest!

If you did not read "First EVER Official Creamy & Delicious Interview With The SteemFest Stars: The Master of Ceremonies & SteemFest Visionary @roelandp" be sure to check it out!

In today's interview, we get to know @saramiller the Steemit Yogini and Smoothie Bowl Queen!

She is also a facilitator at SteemFest 2 and SteemFest Veteran as she shared yoga at the first EVER SteemFest1!!!

She is now blessing us all again at SteemFest2 and once again sharing the paradigm shifting potential of YOGA!

@saramiller has been a consistent contributor to Steemit for over a year and has proven her dedication to the community and the future success of Steemit by achieving a reputation of 70 and not ONCE powering down or cashing out a SINGLE $teem!!!!!!

So let's all thank her for her contributions and for showing faith in the revolutionary potential of Steemit and increasing the value of ALL OF OUR $teem!

If you have not yet followed her, I truly hope that this interview inspires you to check her out and tune into the great value flowing forth through @saramiller!

Let's get on with the interview!

  • Where is your homebase? 
    The geodome in the Garden of Eden ecovillage
  • When did you get into crypto? 
    You told me about Bitcoin the day before I joined August 2016. I had Steem before I had Bitcoin :)
  • How did you hear about Steemit? 
  • What can Steemit do for the world?
    Paid blogging can change the life of anyone with a computer, internet connection, and something worthwhile to say. Anyone from anywhere can teach or learn anything and it's free to use! 
    We can bypass central banks with cryptocurrency, and thus disengage from the global military industrial complex! 

  • How has Steemit changed your life?
    I've been on Steemit for over a year, and I feel like everything is different because of it - including basic things like my sleeping & eating habits. In the beginning I didn't sleep for days because I was so excited about it!
    Steemit was my introduction to crypto. Now I invest, so I have a knowledge base and experience about a realm that some people still don't even know exists. I have guided others in getting started! I don't use other forms of social media anymore, unless it is to promote Steemit posts hahaha. I am a better communicator. I am clearer in my focus, commitment, and my own values. I have a tangible record of my own consistency. On a day to day basis, I have a means of contributing to the Garden of Eden that 1) I enjoy doing, 2) can generate more value for more people than ever before just by sharing the same kinds of media & articles we have already been publishing for years, and 3) can be part of a bigger picture. We bring really important, potentially life saving wisdom that everyone deserves to have access to, and it's stored on the blockchain for all posterity! It's righteous!!!

  • Why should people go to Steemfest 2?
    This could easily be the most important event in the history of Steemit - if you care about Steemit, why wouldn't you go? It's an opportunity to connect with driven innovators from all over the world.
    Tickets really are offered at a really great deal, thanks to @roelandp's magic & a number of generous donors & supporters. I think ticket prices are only a third of the actual cost of the event...

  • What are you contributing to Steemfest 2?
    I'm sharing my passion for YOGA & supporting a new paradigm
  • What excites you the most about Steemfest 2?
    Anything can happen! The potential gets me stoked: What new projects will take shape? What control matrices will be disassembled, and what will take its place? Will minds melt? Will a hero reveal themselves? Will they step up to join the team and change the world? Is someone going to wrestle @quinneaker, physically or mentally? What is everyone wearing????
  • What is the most revolutionary aspect of Steemit? 
    I don't think there is just one aspect, I think it's a combination of things - making crypto accessible to noobs as well as connecting people from all over the world. Access to visionaries & actual doers. Encouraging people to rethink values, worth, attention, and energy. Inspiration!!! That's a big one...FB almost never gets my adrenaline pumping, but $teem sure does...
  • Did you go to Steemfest 1? If so, what was your favorite part?
    YES! My favorite part was @everlove winning the Golden Steemy for Best Undiscovered Author. We were outside the Tobacco Theater chatting with some movers & shakers and happened to walk back in at the exact right moment as they announced her category for the awards. Moments later, SHE WON!!!! She raced up to the stage to accept her award (for a beautiful post about a day in the epically free life of the children @gardenofeden), and she gave a heartfelt thank you and got a little teary as she explained that this is why she feels the Garden of Eden exists - to hold space for the children, to empower them, to give them a better chance than any of us ever had in this world. The whole crowd went "Awwwww!" It was just so genuine and tender and real and profound and really, really lovely. It meant a lot to me because I am blessed to witness her life's mission & devotion every day, and I know how huge & meaningful it is that these children can grow up in real freedom in a place unlike anything else on Earth. 

  • What kind of influence has yoga had on your life?
    I found yoga in my darkest times, and it gave me something worth living for. It gives me inspiration and hope even when I am down. I know its superpowers firsthand, and it is one of my great passions to share it because I want everyone to feel as great as they possibly can!
  • What's the most valuable thing you've learned from being at the Garden of Eden?
    There's not just one thing, and it's all connected...Love, support, understanding, community, commitment, focus, protecting & nurturing children, freedom, natural health, how to light a fire & other basic survival skills, how to eat/sleep/breathe/hydrate properly, how to give a fuck about life, honesty, communication, personal responsibility - no one can live for you, sustainability - you're either supporting or destroying the Earth.
  • How has living at the Garden of Eden changed your life?
    I will write volumes about this one day...I am way healthier & more conscious & my life is greatly improved in every way!

WOW that was quite an interview!

I hope you all really read these answers and not JUST SKIMMED. @saramiller really took the time to go within and share some real and intimate expression of profound potential with us all today!

@saramiller must have invested a lot of time into these answers which just proves yet again how much she cares about people, life, and Steemit!

There is no bullt shit or fake shit around here. 

I have been around @saramiller for over 2 years now and she is truly dedicated to her own personal evolution and also fully committed to improving the world for us all. I know few people who put in more hours of service for the greater good than @saramiller.

Thank you @saramiller for all you're dedication and contributions to  New World with all your service to @gardenofeden, Steemit and the WORLD!

I am excited for SteemFest as you obviously are. I am grateful that you will be there to share your passion, humor and soul, which will surely add to the greatness that is SteemFest2!

Be sure to check out the SteemFest website and BUY YOUR TICKETS to get in on this extraordinary opportunity! There are plenty of other amazing individuals involved in this fantastic fest, and I will be interviewing them in the month leading up to SteemFest 2 to build excitement and introduce them to you before you meet them in Lisbon!
Stay tuned for upcoming interviews in this series with SteemFest Stars @everlove, @timsaid, @chris4210, @voronoi and many more! 

I am super excited about SteemFest 2 not only because I will be speaking there, but basically anyone who went last year would agree that it was a pivotal event and a highlight of their year! As you can see, there will be a lot of amazing people there, which is the best part of the fest according to feedback from last year. Also, I truly feel that SteemFest is really beneficial for Steemit as a whole. Yes, everyone who is there will get to enjoy the festivities and the many benefits, but SteemFest helps ALL of Steemit shine and improves the entire community for us all!

The event is already renowned, and I am confident that this will be a great experience, but if you still need convincing to attend, check out The 11 Best Reasons to Go to SteemFest 2.

As always, I appreciate your support and welcome your feedback!

Steem On to SteemFest2!!

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