Looking for some support to go to STEEMFEST 2 and why I really would like to participate!

Hello Steemians, hello @blueorgy and hello @firepower,

I am still relatively new to the Steemit community and was absent most of the time in the last two weeks, but I will give it a serious try to win the chance to participate at Steemfest. In the following I want to tell you about my actual situation and why I want to go to Lisbon with all you guys 😊

1. My actual situation

Fact is, I am unemployed. This will definitely change, but in the moment I have to live partially from my savings, which are not quite high and actually for my biggest dream - financing a proper painting education. So actually I wanted to try financing STEEMFEST with my own money, but I just cannot afford it. So in this stage of my life I could need some support.

But just because I don't have a job, this doesn't mean that I am not working. Oh no, I write business plans, work on pitches, I draw, read and work on myself. I hustle to reach my goals, but in the same time, I feel that I really need a change of scenery and that I want to meet new people. So STEEMFEST would be perfect to find new friends and also myself a bit more.

2. I want to make a short movie!

One thing I have planned since a while, is making a movie about the visions of cryptonaires - but NOT in a technical way or restricted to the crypto sector; no the movie should be about the philosophical ethical and visionary thoughts of the leading cryptopeople. I really want to transport valueable insights in terms how we ALL can change the world, what we can do, what should be done, what new technologies can do and so on.

Therefore I will make an own post in the next days. I have quite a good camera, but still would need some equipment to realize this project (for example a RODE Filmmaker audio kit and a stativ - this doesn't cost so much, but I hope to get some donations for it.)

3. Drawings for the members

I would like to give the drawings of my series about the Steemit members to everybody, who will participate STEEMFEST and who is included in the series.

I think this are the main reasons, why I hope that you @blueorgy and @firepower support me and give me the chance to fly to Lisbon. HERE you find my new introduction post. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me via the Steemit-Chat or feel free to leave a comment.

Thanks for viewing and blessings, Martin

drawing of @dan aka @dantheman
drawing of @stellabelle
...more will follow in the next couple of days!


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