Steemgig: searching for hidden gems

Hi everyone, I have started a new series called hidden gems in which I highlight under appreciated posts by minnows that are deserving of wider recognition. See here my first in the series to get a feel for what I am looking for:


I do this in the hope of increasing their following and viewership.

So what's the gig?

I want you to send me links of anything you feel is worthy to be featured in the series. I am looking for talented writers, musicians, artists or performers, generally excellent posts that you think deserve a mention and have not gained the feedback you think they richly deserve.

I am willing to pay 5 SBD for every post you submit that I feature. Be sure that it is deserving, no 1 line of text and a kitteh picture 😂

Proof of payment

You can drop a link in the replies to this post or DM me directly in Steemit Chat

Happy hunting!

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