No time to edit your posts? @ntowl's Steem editing service to your rescue!

Steem editing service

It's happened to all of us. You write an awesome, quality blog and post it. Then, after it's up for the world to see, you notice the errors.

You see:

  • Awful typos
  • Or that the formatting is messed up
  • Maybe you get called out for not sourcing your images
  • Or worse, you get comments that let you know you your post might not be as awesome as you thought

How does this happen?

Tired worker

There's a pressure to post everyday on Steemit. That doesn't give you much time to write and edit your work before posting. Especially since Markdown isn't the simplest thing to use, and it takes time to get it right.

Even when you're doing everything right, mistakes can slip through because you're trying to get everything done.

On top of all that, self-editing is hard. Misspellings, repeated words or awkward sentences are difficult to notice when you're the one who wrote them.

Grammar checkers are nice, but they don't catch everything - and sometimes their recommendations actually make things worse.

What's the solution?

Ask for Ntowls editing service

There are two ways to avoid the embarrassment of an error-filled post:

  • Walk away from your blog for as long as you can - a day or more is best. Then review it with fresh eyes before posting.
  • Ask someone else to edit for you.

Obviously, this post is about the second option.

How an editor saves you time and frustration

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Your time is precious, right? Would you rather be editing and fixing your posts, or spending time with your family, hobbies, or writing your next post so you can make more money?

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It's also frustrating to spend a lot of time writing only to find your post has errors, doesn't make your point or you get flagged for using images without permission.

There really isn't any excuse for these things, but they happen.

Get it right the first time with @ntowl's Steem Editing Service

Steem editing service

Today I'm happy to announce my Steem editing service. I designed it to help Steemians put their best work forward on the platform. I believe this helps the author and also the platform.

As we grow and more people visit Steemit and Busy, they'll see high quality content that is valuable to them. The community is already focusing on quality content, and my service will just be a small part of that.

But enough pontificating. It's time to get to the details!

There are seven levels you can choose from as shown in this table:

Basic1Editing of posts up to 500 words. Includes fixing typos, simple grammar mistakes and misspellings. I will let you know if I see larger issues you might want to address.
Basic+2Editing of posts over 500 words. Includes fixing typos, simple grammar mistakes and misspellings. I will let you know if I see larger issues you might want to address.
Formatting2This service focuses only on the formatting by taking your content and adding Markdown to make it easier to read. The actual words will not be edited.
Formatting+4Markdown formatting and image sourcing. Besides adding Markdown, I'll find the right images to make your post more attractive and source them appropriately.
Custom Formatting6Everything from Formatting+ and I will customize the images with the addition of relevant text or modifications to make your post stand out.
Full Edit4Basic+ service plus I'll edit for clarity and structure. This may involve rewriting sentences or re-organizing paragraphs for example.
The Whole Shebang12Full Edit plus Custom Formatting. With this service you'll get a blog without errors, formatted for easy reading and customized images relevant to your topic.

If you've ever used an editor before, you're probably wondering about these prices. Yes, they are SUPER low. I realize they may be too expensive for most minnows, but in terms of real world time and effort spent these are at least 10 times cheaper than services you'll find elsewhere.

I've made them low because frankly I don't know how this service is going to fly. I've been told by many that it's needed and people will use it. But the only way to know is to put it out there. So consider these introductory prices. I'll have another post I'll maintain that will list current services and prices as things change.

Another reason these are low is because I'm not trying to make a living off these. Not yet anyway. I believe Steem has great potential so I'm investing my time now, in hopes it will pay off very well later. Just like the rest of you posting here.

And since this is a new service, and a new idea on Steemit from what I've found, I'm happy to hear any feedback on what I'm offering, the price, or services you'd like to see.

How it works

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Great! You've decided to let me fix up your post. Here's what you need to do:

  • Create (or copy) your blog in a shareable format (Google docs, Word, etc.).

  • Fill out the form at this link:

  • Be sure you have a link to your document with EDIT permissions handy.

  • Submit the form

  • Send the appropriate amount of Steem to @ntowl with your Steemit name in the memo

  • I'll contact you via Discord if you provide the information on the form, or by sending .001 Steem to let you know it's done.


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  • All edits will be completed within 48 hours, with a goal of less than 24. If I'm unable to complete your edits before the 48 hours is up I'll return your fee. The timer starts when you SEND STEEM, not when you submit the form.
  • No edits will be started unless the appropriate fee has been received.
  • The clock starts when your fee is received as recorded in the blockchain.

Rush jobs:

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If you absolutely need to have an edit completed fast (less than the 48 hours), then you need to contact me on Discord. Just send a DM to @ntowl and let me know what you need and when you need it. Then I'll let you know if I can do it.

Rush fees are:

  • Less than 12 hours: Additional 6 Steem
  • Less than 4 hours: Additional 12 Steem

I reserve the right to ask for more if you need an even faster turnaround.

Blackout times:

I'm on the East coast of the US. And I need to sleep. So I can't accept any rush jobs between the hours of 10 pm and 8 am Eastern US time. You can check how this lines up with your time zone at this website.

IMPORTANT: This service is exclusively offered to Steemians for posts going on the blockchain. If you need other content edited (or written) I'm happy to oblige but you need to contact me directly for a quote. You can find me @ntowl on Discord.

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If you're still considering editing your own posts, check out my writing class summaries below for tips on how to do it.

Writing class summaries:

Questions on writing? Session 1Formatting, contests and cheats. Session 6
3 Useful tips for writing on Steemit. Session 2Unexpectedly getting naked, eating sand.... Session 7
2 Rules for creating awesome post headlines. Session 33 more ideas to improve your posts. Session 8
How to write an intro post. Session 49 tips for self editing your posts. Session 9
3 Tips and tools for writing better posts. Session 5Did they survive? Session 10

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Note: All images are mine or licensed from Adobe except where noted.

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