My Takeaway From @merej99's July 2017 Community Engagement Challenge

When I joined this challenge a couple months ago, ok, only a week ago although it seems like much longer, I had only been on Steemit about 3 weeks, and was annoyed with all the follow for follow comments that I would see on every post.

I was not concerned about the posting requirement of 7 blog posts in 10 days, but I was a little concerned with the comment requirement. An average of 50 per day seemed like a lot.

IRL I'm not a big talker, mostly I ask questions and let others do the talking, although I can be a talker if you get me on a roll about something, but generally I'm a quipper. I throw punches. Either it's a quick jab to a conversation I'm following designed for maximum laughter, or an upper cut to try to make people go hmmm. Although I must confess to times of a lot of um hmms trying to keep my eyes from rolling into the back of my head.

In writing I can also be succinct. I was reminded recently of a paper I'd written for a college history class where my paper was 3-4 sentences short of the assignment required length, but I'd said all I needed to say; and the teacher commented on my paper lacking the required amount of filled white space. He gave me an A and commented that I had said everything I needed to, but also told me to fill the space in the future. I guess that way he could dock me for being wordy, lol.

So anyway, I was a little concerned about the quantity of posts, which have proved to be a challenge. My initial follow strategy was essentially to find people who had what I wanted and follow them. If they had a high reputation score, been around for a while, and had a couple thousand or more Steem Power, I followed. If they talked about topics I was interested in, even if they were new, I followed. I either could see content I wanted to learn about or I could learn what the old timers were doing to get where they got. Since starting the challenge I have followed, and been followed by a new group, those with whom I've had conversations.

By being forced to post more than I was comfortable with, I found freedom to make comments I otherwise would not have made. Normally I was trying to make comments that only added value or were encouraging in some way. But when you have to get your post count up, you start to dialog even more whether serious or silly. I found myself being funnier in some situations just being silly, and sharing more personal stories than I would have otherwise. I even sang a duet with @cryptologyx.

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I've discovered and met some great people this week and expect to meet more. @merej99 has given us the key to the kingdom. I would rather have 10 followers that actually want to see what I post and upvote and interact, than 1000 who don't care if I post or not and only followed in hopes I'd follow back.

For those who want to give up their day job and Steem full time, this is the long term how. And you do it until. @aboutyourbiz/if-you-want-to-succeed-keep-doing-what-it-takes-until-2017713t113617322z

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go hit my comment goal. :)

(Banner by @son-of-satire)

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