Checking posts (09 - 12 August) marked "uniqueness below 80%" on

Manual verification (2).png

Turn off comments with OK

OK - these are links to posts with a uniqueness of 80% or more. For about half a year now (except for technical breaks) comments have been published under my posts with a link to the post and the percentage of uniqueness.

Now I have created a steemlive site which has become more convenient to follow. And I manually recheck those posts that were marked as needing to be reviewed.

Having debugged this stage of the system, I will explore how to connect more posts. On the one hand, each check costs money, and this must also be taken into account. On the other hand, the verification should not be duplicated, since I know that some communities check themselves.

Manual check

Now it is possible to conveniently monitor all posts that are automatically marked as "below 80% uniqueness".

Please note that this is not for all posts in the steam, but only for those communities that are monitored.

It is convenient to do this on the site on the "All" - "Less" tab. I manually check each post and if a controversial situation is confirmed, I write a comment indicating the administrator and / or moderator.

At the time of writing this post - August 12, 2022 - there are 17 posts in the Less tab. For the period from August 9 to August 12. Now I will manually check them all.

Verification process

I'll tell you how I do it. I follow the link to the post and see if there is text and what it is. Then I select all the text, copy it.

And I insert into one and several sites to check the uniqueness.


First post: @eugenia1/photo-concurso-flower-colors-edicion-1-contest-flower-colors-edition-1-por-eugenia1-ixoras-amarilla

Seems like a great post! What may not be unique here ... but still yes,

Ixora coccinea, conocida como geranio de la jungla, llama de los bosques, de coral (en Colombia), Cruz de Malta (en Puerto Rico), coral de México (en la República Dominicana) y llama de la jungla, es una especies de arbustos pertenecientes a la familia de la rubiaceas. Es la flor oficial de la ciudad de Cucuta, en Colombia.


Ixora coccinea, conocida como geranio de la jungla, llama de los bosques, coral (en Colombia), Cruz de Malta (en Puerto Rico), coral de México (en la República Dominicana y llama de la jungla, es una especie de arbusto perteneciente a la familia de las rubiaceas.

In view of this, the uniqueness check ranges from 40 to 74, depending on the uniqueness check service. However, it is clear that there is no malice here.

next post,

Matches lead to pages with the name of the author, everything is in order.

Next post:

Also, coincidences with the posts of the author himself.

Next post:

Here the emphasis is on the photo, the text is less than 200 words, and this can also affect the percentage of uniqueness.

Quote taken from wikipedia:

Ipomoea carnea, the pink morning glory, is a species of morning glory that grows as a bush. This flowering plant has heart-shaped leaves that are a rich green

It is important to indicate the sources where quotes come from.

Next post:

An author already familiar to us. Another photo of flowers. And with the same case


When I checked again, I didn't find a match.

Matches the author's post on the client, no other matches found.

When manually checking for matches, no matches were found, those that were found are matches with other posts by the author himself, or on other clients of the STEEMIT blockchain.

In the near future, I will check out a manual additional check.

I hope I didn't disturb anyone by checking the posts. Striving for unique content on our STEEMIT platform improves the quality of content and generally improves STEEMIT

Thank you all for your attention!
Have a good day!

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