Steemit Climb is tough BUT...

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I'm sure anyone who started on steemit and posted for a few days would realize that as with all things the climb will be tough, full of disappointment and frustration. Yes, it's part of life, although most arrive here full of hope, many will fizzle out in a couple of days, if not weeks. It's too easy to just discount the whole notion of blogging and sharing content with the chance of rewards by simply giving up.

Seeing how the others are getting incredible number of upvotes while my own posts hardly even get seen is indeed very demoralizing. But we must also consider the fact that many of these "superstars" didn't just started yesterday and suddenly enjoying all the successes. Reality is that overnight successes are rare if any. It's easy to miss their initial struggle like what we are experiencing right now. We are only seeing their successes now but that doesn't mean they didn't meet their own share of failures.

The main difference is that they didn't give up.

Consider a farmer planting a seed and expecting to harvest within days and you will realize how rediculous the thought can be. So why then do we harbor the same crazy thought when we are posting only for a few days on steemit?

Maybe it's the fact that one click on the Trending tab and the upvotes on many posts there makes it seem like our efforts or more accurately pennies worth of upvotes make rookies feel like we are just too far away. The destination or the promised land will never be reached. Our efforts will be futile. It's just not worth it. Yes, so many reasons to just give up.

But remember Rome was not built in a day. By giving up and not even attempting the climb, one deserve to fail because as long as I have not given up, I have not failed. Yes, I have not succeded yet but I have not failed.

When I concentrate on the climb instead of the immediate results, suddenly the importance of the upvotes deminishes. I am simply organizing my thoughts, voicing them in my head and then wording them. The process can be so much more enjoyable and rewarding. Suddenly I'm chatting with my inner self, understanding myself better along the way. That to me outweighs the dollars and cents.

This song, "The Climb" was made famous by Miley Cyrus and it inspires me and motivates me whenever I feel I'm hitting a roadblock but I'm sharing this version by then a relative unknown girl that hope exists.

Will I taste the fruits of success? I don't know, I remain hopeful that one day I might as long as I haven't given up. But when the forcus is shifted to the climb instead of the upvotes, success itself takes on another whole new meaning :)

In order not to be a failure, just refuse to give up ;) If I have not given up, I have not failed, everything is still in progress, the present is just a part of the jourmey.

Here's a few more from that little voice in my peabrain head ;)



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