Why linear rewards in HF19 won't solve SteemIt's main problems

This is a follow up of my article from yesterday (Trending posts finally made me realize the main problem with SteemIt and how to solve it!).

Current situation

  • 1 person with 1 million STEEM POWER has 1 million times more power than 1000 people with 1 STEEM POWER combined
  • STEEM POWER influences your rewards exponentially (10 STEEM POWER gives you 100 times more power than having 1 STEEM POWER)
  • Curators can use 0.5% of their remaining voting power per vote
  • Users with almost no STEEM POWER are completely powerless
  • The system promotes going after quantity rather than quality
  • The system doesn't penalize incorrect curation
  • The system forces everyone to curate out of fear, rather than rationality
  • The system completely ignores curation quality

After hard fork 19

  • 1 person with 1 million STEEM POWER has 1000 times more power than 1000 people with 1 STEEM POWER combined
  • STEEM POWER influences your rewards linearly (10 STEEM POWER gives you 10 times more power than having 1 STEEM POWER)
  • Curators can use 2% of their remaining voting power per vote
  • Users with almost no STEEM POWER are almost completely powerless
  • The system promotes going after quantity rather than quality
  • The system doesn't penalize incorrect curation
  • The system forces everyone to curate out of fear, rather than rationality
  • The system completely ignores curation quality

Unresolved problems

  • Users with large amounts of STEEM POWER have more power than dozens or even hundreds of people, regardless of their curation skill
  • Users with little STEEM POWER can't gain a (noticeable) advantage over others by consistently curating properly
  • The system doesn't penalize (in fact even promotes) going after quantity rather than quality
  • The system forces everyone to curate out of fear, rather than rationality


If the system doesn't recognize and keep track of the user's curation skill, it's possible for bad actors with a lot of money to abuse the system. Users that curate properly also aren't sufficiently compensated, so there is absolutely no incentive to curate accurately!

The second main problem is that people are forced to vote out of fear, because they simply aren't given any time to curate properly. You can read my explanation in my article from yesterday.

The third main problem is that holding STEEM POWER gives you power and control rather than a long-term investment opportunity. The beautiful goal of decentralization is that power isn't centralized, right now on SteemIt we experience exactly the same problem with the power of the rich as the old system we're so desperately trying to leave.

As long as these problems aren't solved, linear rewards will change almost nothing. I have nothing against people having more money than others when others have voluntarily given their money to the them. I'm just tired of injustice in the world, aren't you?

Don't forget to follow, resteem and browse my channel for more information!

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