Finding Gems Hidden In Steemit -- June 7, 2017

Hello Steemians!

As @clevercreator -- one of my favorite things is browsing around Steemit to either offer some assistance or send some voting love. Sometimes both.

That being said, I truly read about 40 articles or more a day. Not all of them are going to get my vote, but I do promise, if I see something that could help make your post better, I will drop you a polite and caring comment.

Please do not send me links. You are welcome to join chat to talk, but please be mindful of the rules in each room. Some rooms clearly state that links are not allowed. However, begging for votes or friends is not the best way to start a conversation.

Just come say HI and see what current conversation is -- it changes often. A few days ago it was all about @animal-shelter naming the squirrel CryptoNut Zappl (which then lead to moon mod @steemit getting with @zappl to donate 200 Steem to their cause).

The next day it was all about @renzoarg and his chess account -- @steem.chess -- You can check out the concept here.

My four favorite articles that I found yesterday (although I did forget to drop an upvote on one -- until today) are:

Filming My Dogs In The Style Of Planet Earth 2

OH MY DOGS!!! I wish I lived in Edinburgh because I would very much hire this person to film Chienchien. This video is not only beautiful, but words truly cannot do it justice.

Tuesday Talk

I love Steemians that want to get a conversation going – they know that there is more to this than just posting words, pictures, information. Always remember when you ask your audience questions that we want to hear from you in your post.

Intro To My Business

I love seeing businesses on here! And most importantly this is a business that is trying to bring books into their native language. As an American, I feel as though many of my fellow citizens take for granted the beautiful wordly creations that exist.

Ionic Mobile App Development Is a Huge Opportunity

Disrupters take on apps! One of the biggest things that I want to see more of, on Steemit, is more take charge of your career and less begging others for Steem. There are so many freelance opportunities today. If you would love to design apps, it might be time to teach yourself how to use Ionic's platform.

I am off to read more and learn more about you amazing folks. Remember, Steem Work Makes The Dreem Work!

If your are looking for graphic designs, for your posts, @thepinkbyhamann is for hire. Drop her a comment in one of her recent articles to request pricing.

My Current Give Back Programs

10% of the earnings from this post are set aside to fund domestic abuse projects that are designed and maintained by @clevercreator – I am currently working towards building a long-term assistance program.

10% of this post will be given back to the SteemIt Community through the amazing folks I find while doing my curation rounds.

As my earnings grow, these percentages will go up as well.

Every post that exceeds $100, and then multiples of 100 ($200, $300, $400, etc.), I will send out a book (used books that need good homes), WITH a handwritten note signed by yours truly, @clevercreator – But wait there are rules…

• Your comment must be the most voted

• Include in your comment what you would like to focus on in the letter (maybe something to encourage you or an idea that you need help with)

• For every multiple of $100 this post earns, that many folks can will be able to win…so if the post earns $311.13, then there will be 3 wonderful folks that will see this book and letter come to them

• You address must be deliverable by standard mail – I am sorry, at this time, I cannot afford a courier

• Yes, you can live outside the United States and win

• You must have an active SteemIt account at the time the post pays out

• Of course, the most important rule – have fun and get the discussion going

• If you will pay too much in taxes, outside the US, tell me, and I will send you a small e-gift card from Amazon ( @renzoarg thank you)

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