Tilting At Steemit Windmills - My Steemit Library Progress And Setbacks

“The only thing that you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library.”
– Albert Einstein –

Well, I was all excited about the Steemit SQL database...

I was thrilled to think I could use it to update and maintain my Steemit Library.

I told you all about it here:

My Steemit Library - Status and Progress Report

I might even have succeeded. I was making headway.

But then, just as I began to get some traction and meaningful results, the SQL database operator started charging admission... <sigh>

Please don't get me wrong:

I have no problem with the owner/supplier of a service charging for it. It's just that, at my limited level of skill and knowledge, I can't justify paying for software support for what is—for me—an iffy, occasional, part-time venture.

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So many books... So little time...
Image courtesy of Yaroslav Blokhin and http://unsplash.com

So, I've been forced to change gears.

I've completely "had it" with making excuses for the state of my Steemit Library. I'm tired of explaining to people how an unannounced and unexpected change in the Steemit User Interface made it impossible to click on the links in my old library. So, not only is my Library more than six months out of date, it's totally unusable unless you manually edit each click...

As Winnie the Pooh would say, "Bother!"

Adding insult to injury, the standard Steemit U/I now ends at the first article of last year (2017). What the heck? What do you mean, I can't even get to my older articles?

So, What's the point of a permanent blockchain?

The Steemit User Non-Interface, as currently designed, makes you only as good as your latest post.

Actually, you're only as good as your latest post that happens to get noticed.

It's a pain wanting more than that, but I think it's worth my effort. I want you (along with all my heirs, successors, and assigns) to have access to my entire body of writing. Eventually, I'd like to develop some tools to let any interested Steemian easily create and maintain something similar.

You can read much of the history and rationale for my library here:

INTRODUCING "My Steemit Library" -
...A Better Way to Steemit...

Please feel free to ask questions, and to copy my format if you find it interesting or useful.

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CLICK the Image Above to Access My Steemit Library

Another "glitch" has been slowing me down.

I have been using a very fine URL shortening service that, unlike Google's URL shortener, is both quite reliable and allows for editing of the target destination. This allows me to update where each shelf in the top level of the library points to without actually editing the top level.

Well, I somehow lost access to the service. That meant I couldn't update where the links point to.

Thankfully, because of Rebrandly's excellent support, I've regained access to my account at http://rebrandly.com and I'm back at work on my library!

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What's not to love about the library?
Image courtesy of Alex Iby and http://unsplash.com

I've begun the process of a manual library update.

It's a rather painstaking process, but I plan to muddle through it over then next little while. I've already republished my Library Steemit Shelf, and the others are in the works.

Since I'm not up to paying for database access, I hope to (time permitting) try to learn how to access the blockchain more directly.

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What's my new plan?

I think what I need to do now is create some HTML / JSON code utilities for scanning the blockchain and extracting the data I need to maintain my Steemit Library.

In the meanwhile, both you and I will have to live with a manually edited, hierarchical collection of Steemit posts that provide ad-hoc, topically organized access to my collection of Steemit articles.

As indicated before, in the long term, I hope to make some Library-forming utilities available to other Steemians who might like to create and maintain Steemit Libraries of their own.

Please wish me (better) luck this time around!

P.S. Steemit Inc?

I'm still waiting for the ability to edit my older articles, promised with HardFork 17.


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Einstein was right about this...
Image courtesy of AZ Quotes

Don't Miss Our Series on Using STEEM In The Real World

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Articles In The Series

For more Steemit articles, please visit our freshly updated Library Steemit Shelf - Just CLICK the shelf below.

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LOOK! Check out our amazing product:
Introducing: The SILVERengines proton - Image by @creatr

Thanks for your time and attention.
You are why I'm here on Steemit!
I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about them all.

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