Analysis of Steemit promotion on Facebook

Hello fellow steemians,

In my previous post from a couple of days ago I analyzed Steemit promotion on my Twitter account which turns out to be doing pretty well (Analysis of Steemit promotion on Twitter/關於在Twitter上推廣Steemit的分析). Let me do the same for Facebook today. Once again I will analyze 3 posts that were doing better than the others so you get an idea what can be achieved with minimal effort and free of cost. We are living in the digital world today where almost everyone is connected to one or more social media channels and promoting content through those channels is very easy and pretty efficient. As you can see from the screenshots below you can reach a decent number of people through posting a steemit posts on Facebook. Even though it is not as efficient as Twitter, some 1565 Facebook users saw my steemit posts on facebook. It is very short of Twitter's almost 11000 impressions for the same amount of posts but still worth the effort. Please feel free to re-steem this post so more steemit users ge encouraged to do the same types of promotion. I personally believe that if this will be done on regular basis it will not only increase the awareness among users of other social media but will also convert some and bring them to steemit platform and help its organic growth. Thank you for reading and have a great day.




Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

Analysis of Steemit promotion on Twitter/關於在Twitter上推廣Steemit的分析
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