🎈 My Milestone - Rep 70 - An HF19, 100% Upvotes and SBDs Giveaway!! 🎈 慶賀七十,HF19,100%點讚與SBD大贈送!🎈

Milestone for me, joys for all

I am no fan of milestone posts, to be honest... As I have seen more and more milestone posts - 100 followers (oh, someone even do 50s okay?), rep 60, 65... - coming from increasing users on our dear platform, though I feel good to see so many people get excited but on the other hand feel "come on! don't you have anything better to post!?" (but when I greeted my friends I meant every bit of it!) ... So, when this opportunity presents itself to me, I hesitate if I should do it or just carry on like nothing ever happens... Actually I passed one potential post of making 1,000 followers a while ago (incredibly it is 1351 as of now), but as I am gonna get Rep 70 I feel like expressing something and giving back something to the community! Sharing the joy too of course!!

So I come up with this happy giveaway plan - giving away some prizes for anyone who wants a little bit fun while saying congratulations. The Top Prize is a legendary 19-liter electrical oven made in Taiwan, SAMPO KZ-HF19, a.k.a. the HF19 Oven!! You may view its specifications here (traditional Chinese only) but due to voltage and shipping concerns, only users with a receiving physical address in Taiwan are eligible. While saying sorry to most users out there, I hope you can view this as a special gift from me to the still very small group of Steemians from Taiwan, besides, maybe friends from Hong Kong or mainland China can get it if they have relatives or friends here! (no, you may not ask me to receive this for you.) So, phone your Taiwan friends now! The reasons for selecting this HF19 Oven are: 1) HF19 has brought so many benefits for me so far and I am and will always be grateful for that, and 2) okay, this is a crazy reason... yeah, this oven has brought to me some luck! LOL.... see this post around the forking. Other prizes like upvotes and SBDs are simply gifts that anyone knows why. Here are the giveaway details.

Happy Rep 70 Giveaway!!

  • Top Prize - An HF19 Sampo Oven. Check product details here. You will need a valid receiving physical address in Taiwan to be eligible for the prize. Note! Please write a post with photo of the oven if you win. I will 100% upvote it too! :)
  • Second Prizes - One 100% Upvote from me for 7 Steemians. I will let you know how to collect it if you wins. By the way, my VP is around 30% most of the time.
  • Third Prizes - One SBD from me for 10 Steemians. Will send after the result is final.
  • Eligibility - (1) Please upvote the "Happy Rep 70 Giveaway!!" comment under this post (any weight will do) and leave your comment saying anything nice (2) If you wish to enter the Top Prize draw, please also upvote the "I Want HF19 Oven and I have a Taiwan address!!" comment under this post (any weight will do) and leave your comment saying anything which includes "HF19". If you win the Oven, you will be disqualified from winning other prizes. (3) all participants must satisfies my 'real person test' - at least 100 post/comments before this posting time, rep>40, joined before HF19, and my own final judgement. 
  • Note - I will use random.org to draw winners. Cutting off time will be the post payout time. 

Good luck to you and thanks go to everyone in this fantastic family for helping me achieve where I am today!!


中文區的好朋友新朋友們!小弟我邁上70信用大關,原本對於是否發這類"慶賀"文章心存疑慮,因為這類慶祝文章太多了,我老是感覺別人這些文章沒多大價值(但我的好朋友們發的話就不一樣了,我可是都真心祝賀!),所以自己似乎也不該發?不久前我的粉絲破千,我就沒想過要發,沒想到今天已經一千三百多了,真是驚人... 但信用分,這可是大事啊!況且70大概就是在這裡混的最重要關卡吧... (印象中80是上限?無論如何你應該知道60到70比50到60要難上10倍啊!) 所以我還是發一下吧,但既然要慶祝,能不擺桌嗎?當然得送點東西給上門祝賀的賓客啊!

首獎還是得說說,是這台台灣聲寶烤箱,型號SAMPO KZ-HF19,規格在這裡!哈哈,為什麼?看這裡!我自己決定不買這台烤箱了,但為了紀念HF19,決定送這台給各位!但是,又得抱歉了,為了烤箱電壓以及運送因素,我只能限定送給"能提供台灣地址"的朋友,對於台灣用戶當然是利多啦!但是香港、大陸或是世界各地朋友都可以想辦法找個台灣地址(送你朋友親戚?)來參與囉!(當然不可以找我啦!哪有自己送自己的)沒有辦法的朋友,還是有其他獎項可以送給你喔!活動辦法如下:

Happy Rep 70 Giveaway 慶賀七十大贈送!

  • 首獎 - 台灣聲寶HF19烤箱。規格在這裡。你需要提供一個有效的台灣收貨地址才能參加。請注意!若你得獎,收到獎品後請寫一篇文章內含烤箱照片,我會給你100%點讚!:)
  • 二獎 - 提供7位朋友我的100% Upvote。得獎後我再通知如何獲得,另外提醒,我的voting power一般都在30多附近而已喔。
  • 三獎 - 提供10位朋友每人1顆SBD。得獎後再行奉上。
  • 參與資格 - (1) 請在下方"Happy Rep 70 Giveaway!!"的留言回帖上點讚(任意比重),並在下方留下你的祝賀隻字片語;(2) 如果你希望參與首獎烤箱的抽獎,請額外在"I Want HF19 Oven and I have a Taiwan address!!"的留言回帖上點讚(任意比重),並在下方留下任何內含"HF19"的話語。當然,如果最後你贏得烤箱,那就不能再拿其他獎囉!(3) 所有人都必須通過我的「真人測試」:條件包括至少在本帖發布前已經有100個posts/comments信用高於40在HF19生效前加入以及我自己最後的判斷
  • 注意事項 - 我將會用random.org亂數抽出合格之獲獎者。截止時間為本帖收益分配時間(約7天後)


First Rep 70 from Taiwan

An additional note - If I am correct, I will be the first ever Steemian from Taiwan to achieve a reputation of 70. It is actually no big deal, considering there are very few users from Taiwan (more is coming lately, hi guys!). However, there is a special friend of mine, @shieha, who is also from Taiwan and having great success here especially in the photography community, that deserve my special mention here. Before HF19, I thought he would be the first one to get this title (still, no big deal) as his Rep was ahead of me and his posts were doing better than mine so I was prepared to congratulate him (again, no big deal, haha!). But HF19, not the oven, changes everything and I started to enjoy a bigger support from others. So, I will be sending him 19 SBDs afterwards for letting me have this title! Thanks @shieha :D  Check his great photography posts! they are amazing!


有件相關的事情,順便告知大家。如果沒有意外,我應該是Steemit上台灣用戶第一個達成70信用的人!其實,這也沒什麼大不了,這裡本來就沒幾隻台灣小貓,最近似乎是來了多一些(哩厚!家五促咪牟?)當然,說到台灣資深用戶,不能不提我的朋友 @shieha,他幾乎跟我依樣資深,只是多半在攝影區出沒,是個技術高超的藝術家啊!(瞧瞧,最近還得獎了呢!)原本在HF19之前,我們兩人信用分差異很小,但他領先且應該是會比我早達成70的關卡的,我都準備好要祝福他了!但誰知道HF19一來(是叉子,不是烤箱)),頓時情勢變化,大神加持下,我就悄悄超車了... 真是不好意思啊!承讓承讓,感謝感謝!所以,送上19 SBDs聊表謝意,共享歡樂![啊,所以 @shieha 你就被排除得其他獎的資格囉!] 請各位看倌門,記得多去看看他的好作品啊!

Bye Bye @deanliu (69)!
Thanks for all you had done!

Nice to meet you @deanliu (70)!
Let's begin yet another magical journey...

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