Please be careful not to use the new Steemit logo. I was gonna until right before I hit the post button 注意!請小心不要誤用新的Steemit Logo...

Sorry, the following meme post was what I intended to post but at the last minute I saw @intelliguy's warning about using the new Steemit logo. His post is here:

Steemit, Inc. brand and logo are intellectual property that are protected by law. DO NOT USE THEM.

So I decided not to post this meme in case any trouble arises. But since I have done all the work, I reckon I should warn people about this and post all the texts we have prepared in the following... Sigh, it could have been fun...

So, the giveaway is off!! but if you can still find them without this meme image, I will still give 1 SBD each for first correct answers... :(

CN區朋友們好,原來有新的Logo出爐,想來玩耍一番... 找了 @nanosesame合作,努力到最後一刻,誰知道.... 事情不一樣了!請看上面 @intelliguy的帖子。

注意!以往大家習慣把Steem logo拿來加工取樂等等,還是可以。但是新的Logo是Steemit公司的產權,事情就不一樣了,這一點確實在發布新聞時有說明,只是沒有特別強調。用了會如何?沒有人知道。告你應該不至於,但總是麻煩,所以我們決定不發了。


感覺不是很好,總覺得新媒體不應該這樣小氣的....... 但沒辦法.......



Dear Steemians,

Since you are reading this meme post, you must have seen the new logo!! I cannot say that I don't like it. It's kind of cute and neat. Just need some time to get used to it. And, glad to know that the old beloved logo is still with us (representing Steem).

I don't know about you, but the new logo reminds me of ... so here comes the meme.

This meme post is a collaboration of me and @nanosesame (a very very talented young artist, do check out her wonderful blog!). The idea is from me and the image is produced by @nanosesame, in such a short notice. She will get all the SBDs from this post.

Disclaimer - this meme is created based on the images from American Express and We respect all copyrights, but reckon such a humorous alteration should be tolerable as we have noted the sources here. Please don't sue us. We deeply respect these two great companies for what they have accomplished.


There are 4 set of numbers on this image. Below the "member since" is 08. It refers to the year when Satoshi Nakamoto gave birth to bitcoin in 2008. "03/16" refers to the month/year when Steem was born. The remaining two sets of numbers: 0497 and 33116 are both Steem/it related numbers, which I will leave them to you to guess or to dig into the system to find the answers.

First correct answers will be awarded with 2 SBDs each. Have fun!! _


[disclaimer - no one in the world knows what exactly those numbers are except me. I did not even tell @nanosesame. so, it is a fair game. btw, above image from pixabay.]

CN version

中文區夥伴們,上面這張圖就是搞笑新的LOGO,沒啥好逐字翻譯的。重點是有兩組數字密碼可以猜猜是什麼意思,第一位猜中的各有2 SBDs喔!保證全世界只有我知道正確答案,公平無虞!趕快去找找看吧!^_<

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