Work’in Steemit | My Curation Journey & Ways to Earn The Extra SBD, & SP


The past few weeks have been a crazy whirlwind journey for me, especially on Steemit.

If you have been following me for a while, you'll notice that my postings have become lesser and fewer as well.

During this interim, I was experimenting and looking for other avenues to substitute my revenues earned from my daily posts.

So I joined Curie, and Smartsteem to try and see if I can earn faster (if not more) than publishing posts on a daily basis (without help from initiatives like Sndbox).

Here are my key takeaways:


  1. If you love curating and has solid, hardcore strategy on sniffing out awesome content, you should consider volunteering for Curie or other curation guilds like OCD, Buildawhale, etc. They have different payment scheme but rest assured, you're rewarded for your efforts. Many Steemians are vying to be a Curie curator but it's a rat race to see who gets to the better content (and propose it) first. The reward for approved posts is 10 STEEM. For more info on Curie, check this post out.
  2. Most bid bots these days like Buildawhale and sneaky-ninja have their own team of curators. For sneaky-ninja, you get to earn 1SBD per approved post and their guidelines are not as strict as Curie's. The point is you get paid in STEEM/SBD for the time you invest in helping them. Opportunities are everywhere; if one is not your cup of tea, you can opt for another.

Other means of revenue:


  1. Helping out bid-bot teams to regulate the Steem ecosystem. By helping, you can either curate or report abuse to the team so they can eventually remove the paid votes from the abused posts. Means of communication is usually via Discord.

  2. Report plagiarist and copycats to Steemcleaners (and get paid in the process). *To file an abuse report, here's the direct link.

Should you delegate or even sell votes?

Three rules of thumb which I learned from @therealwolf, and if you're already a Steemit veteran, you'll probably notice these too:

  1. If you're actively using your SP (Steempower), you should sell your vote. *For vote calculation, see here.
  2. If you're just passively investing in Steemit without creating contents, best is to delegate your SP.
  3. If you want to make sure that a portion of your SP is being used productively and make a profit while doing so, again delegate your SP.

Word of warning

I have been receiving questions and applications for Smartsteem (SS) and I must say, while the response was tremendous and the community is supportive, it's quite a challenge to penalise every single abuser.
It takes us longer than usual to clear the backlogs because the we have tens of hundreds applications coming in for whitelisting. *For more info on getting whitelisted, read here
That's why we choose to report to Steemcleaners (SC). Yes we will report to SC if you have violated the no-copy-and-paste condition.
Why are we doing this when we're already blacklisting the users on SS? Unlike SC, we do not flag these users on the Steemit platform, but the SC police will.

At our end on SS, we blacklist plagiarists, remove bought votes from their posts if we find them abusing the system, and un-whitelist contents that we find unworthy.

By definition of 'unworthiness', it's either the profile is too new for us to gauge any quality content from the author, or it's just Dmania all the way.

I mean, it won't be fair to other creators who put in tonnes of efforts into their content creation right?


Don't take my word for it, try out various ways to decide which work best for you on the platform and see if you like being either a curator or creator and hopefully not a copycat.


Image credit: All public domain images are taken from Pexels unless stated otherwise.


These days I mostly write on Steemit.
I still have my portfolio and personal sites— and
But these sites will eventually redirect you to my Steemit blog.
Well, what can I say. If it’s good stuff, you can’t get enough of it :)
Follow me and I'll take you through my unpredictable journey— filled with wilderness, curiosity, and randomness.

PS: Join #steemitbloggers to unite with other bloggers and #sfg #steemgigs to partake in the freelancers' clan. Also, check out @kristyglas amazing divider below. Support her work by sharing as she puts in tremendous effort into creating pretty dividers for Steemians.

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