Cheating steemit the right way

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I'm still frustrated and really confused about this social network.

Hence I got great feedback on why steemit is not an pyramid scheme, yet it all doesn't makes much sense for me.

Not sure if tired or I'm crazy

Actually I'm freaked out and tired of this all...

So I'm gonna cheat steemit! Ideas?

This is my plan so far:

Step 1: Create multiple fake accounts

Multiple personality disorder

WARNING! Only create the accounts, don't feed them with content yet. Never ever create content for fake accounts yourself!

Step 2: Get some Fiverrs to write posts about cats, with eye catching photos!

Cats love posts about them

This is the right way to fake accounts, you get real content from different people for their respective blogs. Just keep the secret.

Step 3: Negotiate with whales for some help

Feeding an steemit whale

This will get you invaluable upvotes and maybe some other whales will follow the fake accounts. Yet it is not wise to put all whale eggs into the same basket.

(Wondering if a basket can fit more than one of those eggs...)

Step 4: Once I earn wild mammal status: sell my upvotes for Bitcoin!

Uncle scrooge farming bitcoin

My expectation is to create a circle of profit hard to defeat. After all, who can resists kitties photos? Even if someone realizes my evil plans and flags my fake posts, moderators will not have the heart to kill cute cats. Well... some would, so if some soulless moderator manages to ban any of my cat posts, I'll still have several other fake accounts available.

I think that with a so powerful engine of growth and the paid favor of whales, steemit will be all mine!

Steemit is mine! Mine mine mine mine mine mine!

What are my chances to successfully cheat steemit with this plan? Please share your thoughts.

(Just in case you didn't noticed it yet, I'm actually kidding! This is a parody! Not my fault if you are skimming and miss this line :P)

-- develCuy

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