Hey Steemit - Royalty Free Images Are Not Free Images!

Royalty Free does not mean Free! I'm going to SHOUT THIS FROM THE ROOFTOPS till the message gets through! I've been a stock photographer for over 20 years, (and MOST of my images are ROYALTY FREE, so I happen to know a thing or two about how you can use my stock images, or the images of my peers!

There is a common misconception on Steemit that Royalty Free (RF) Images are free images! Let me correct that misconception!

Royalty Free means that once you have paid a license for an allowed usage, you are free to use the image again without paying again for the licensing, as long as the usage is within the terms of the contract. Royalty free images can license from anything up to $600 per image! Once upon a time, it was not unusual for a sought after RF image to license for well over $1,000 because the image was not being copied over and over on the web, thus making a potential licensee shy away from overused images. It's ironic, isn't it? The more popular an image is (the more times it is likely being illegally used), the less likely it is that the photographer is being paid!

Allowed usage for any stock images, whether you have paid for them or not, does not allow insinuating the images are yours by giving no source for it in a blog. That in itself is image plagiarism.

Steemit is for-profit, so usage (even paid) does not allow for profit from the images of others, so giving a source will not help (and it certainly will not pay the photographer's bills.) That is copyright infringement.

It is so easy to check the TRUE SOURCE of an image! Drop it into Tineye and check for the stock sites it's on - and if it's on any, or on someone's private photography page - you can't use it unless you have express permission to do so!

And please don't think it doesn't hurt my income (or the income of my peers) if an image is used without it being paid for. Some clients will search the web first to see how an image is being used. If it is all over the place on blogs, or if the image is being used in a way inconsistent with how they want to use the image, they may not want to license my image after all. Contrary to popular belief, this does not give the photographers free exposure. It gives them lost income.

I'm pretty new on Steemit, but I am learning very quickly that many people are quick to shout if someone is taking their written word, but at the same time they see nothing wrong with taking images that are not theirs and using them for eye candy! Where is the outrage? Don't get me wrong; many are outraged! There are many honest and upright people on Steemit! Quite often though, I come across a blog where someone is upset about plagiarism, while using illegal content in that very blog!

I may not end up being very popular, but I believe that education on this subject is critical for Steemit to survive as a legitimate site, respected by all. I intend to fight image plagiarism and copyright infringement as hard as others are fighting written plagiarism! I want the true owners of work in all categories to be rewarded for their hard work!

I have not asked once for anyone to Upvote or Resteem a post, but I think it is critical for the survival of Steemit and all those who are playing by the rules that EVERYONE is educated in the proper usage of imagery! If you think that this message should be spread, please Resteem and/or Upvote! Everyone on Steemit, should get a chance to read this. No one should ever have to say, "But I didn't know." Not knowing does not excuse you from liability!

I am not a lawyer, just an experienced stock photographer, so here's an article from LegalZoom on how to avoid copyright infringement. Forewarned is forearmed!

So please, won't you help me to shout it from the rooftops?

This photograph was taken in 2007 while looking out over the rooftops of Old Town Prague, Czech Republic with the Dome of St. Francis of Assisi Church in the foreground.

It was photographed with my oldCanon EOS 5D and the EF28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM lens.
Camera settings: /100 sec; f/20; ISO 125

Image © Diane Macdonald. All Rights Reserved.

Please read my other posts about image usage and copyright:


Thanks for taking the time to read this! I appreciate it.

To find my photography and designs on Steemit, please search on #dianemacphoto.

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