Opportunity and Responsibility - Raising the Bar for Content Creators- An Artist's Perspective

An Artist's Perspective


After witnessing much infighting, system rigging, and "quickbuck" content over the last few weeks, I am more inspired than ever to contribute to raising the bar for other content creators here on the Steemit Beast. Maybe this is naive of me but at 36 years old I still want to live in a substantial future riddled with magical technologies and overflowing with unbelievable art; a future bursting at the seems with value, decency and goodness. Steemit.com provides such a unique opportunity for those of us that work our butts off everyday to push the envelope of innovation and idea generation that it would just be a terrible shame to squander our potential here and end up resembling a pig pen cock-fight the likes of which Facebook would envy. Though we can do little to persuade crony capitalists and scammers to change their ways, we can continually create the best possible content as a balancing act to provide ever greater value to this platform.

As a young initiate here on Steemit I have spent a great deal of time crafting big posts chock full of behind-the-scenes insight and in depth looks into the Visionary Art world.

See here



And here




I believe so much in the power of great ideas that I cannot stop engaging with Steemit and dedicating big chunks of time to contributing value here. In my opinion, there is no better virtual community to contribute to and really very little reason to continue investing anything in thievery corporations.

Jogging Like a Toddler



I have had a couple, reasonable financial successes in my short time here. This is Awesome! but not my primary motivation for joining the conversation on a daily basis. My primary motivation is the search for and procurement of the Highest Quality Content. The networking potential for fringe geniuses, experimental inventors, ballsy journalists and blossoming freaks eclipses the most successful mainstream brands and just like Steem Dollars, these networks are transferable to the outside world. The incredible range of people here that feel free to invest their time without fear of shadow bans and ghetto-ization of their virtual existence is definitely unparalleled.


To name a few

We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to demonstrate that we are capable of running our own affairs here; that we are in fact mature enough to not be complete assholes and to take responsibility for who we are on and offline.

Bringing It Together



It goes without saying that the financial incentives of Steemit are incredible, as we all need to eat, but more importantly we need to show that we have matured and are indeed ready to manage our affairs. We need to not only show the power structure and Steemit investors that we are capable of conducting ourselves from a position of sovereignty but we need, above all, to show ourselves. WE have an immense opportunity, at the event horizon of apocalypse, to share our biggest dreams, our most complex ideas, our deepest concepts and our greatest propensities toward cooperation and healthy competition. We have been offered, on a silver platter, the gift of responsibility for ourselves and our future. And so, it is my reasonable estimation that we should not fuck it up. Steemit is a proof of concept and the more garbage that is dumped in to it, the more it will resemble a trashcan. Or we can groom it, feed it and care for this experiment like we may not get another chance. We can treat this experience like a garden or we can repeat our mistakes and turn it into an outhouse. I vote for the former.


In Conclusion


I have met people here in the last 3 weeks that I would have never known were it not for the draw of this decentralized platform; people with the most cutting edge, strangest and fascinatingly original lives. Each day is abundant with new opportunity and the living possibility to create lasting, real-world collaborations and partnerships. I could care less what side of the @haejinn (or however you spell it) argument you are on though I am willing to acknowledge that maybe I just don't get it. Like any divisive issue there is probably more than one valid way to view it and so I'll drive by with my top down and make my way closer to the future I want to live in. I am here to bring my strongest content in order to benefit as many people as possible. I want to make it to a decentralized, Person 2 Person Future without training wheels and Big Fat Brother. I believe in the power of the people, I believe in the reality of a sane future where planetary apocalypse is a fear of the distant past. I believe in this formula!!

And I Encourage You To Do So Also


And so, as a "Thank You" to the platform of Steemit itself and to all of those great creators and idea generators, I will give you my word that I will continue to increase the overall perceived value of Steemit through my content. I will encourage others to continuously raise the bar and as my influence grows here I will support those newbies and undiscovered talents to my greatest ability.

Take good care and feel free to right click any of these images and save them to your desktop. (Correction-the full image below is 2400 pixels tall, not 4000 as originally stated, Anyone know how I can can embed the full size image? If you leave me an email address or a way to contact you I will send you the 4000 pixel tall image.)

Much Love to All of My Fellow Creators!!!



Khemet Manifest


Please Follow @elohprojects, Resteem and Upvote. And again Thank You for your interest and support.

Kindest Regards,



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