SteemFest + Anarchapulco: When You Fork Them, Will Folks Come?


So, @lily-da-vine, John and @modprobe announced HERE, HERE and HERE their intention to fork both SteemFest and Anarchapulco. @jeffberwick just interviewed them HERE on Anarchast.

What will WE self-create?


Most conferences are organized according to the vision and tastes of a few, or a handful.

But what happens when you fling open the doors and windows... and you invite creative collaborations that are only limited by our morals and imagination?

Lily asked me to think about what I might like to offer to these forked events.

I took several days, and really enjoyed the process, too. Here's what came to me...

Open Mic Nights: A Listening Lounge, Just For You


It took me forever to find, accept and use my voice.

This is no small feat in a world that tries its best to train and restrain us. Like service dogs. Or circus seals.

But the truth is that we speak and write ourselves into existence. Our talk, and our text, becomes our reality. So our wordplay is important.

I'd like to create a warm and attentive atmosphere in which creative people can gather and express themselves:

  • poets
  • storytellers
  • singers
  • musicians
  • comedians

It's a little like an open mic night... but with DEEPER LISTENING built in.

Imagine yourself inside that circle of random chairs. You are the center of our kind attention, as you share your craft for up to 10 minutes. When you're done, you rejoin the circle. You then receive another 10 minutes to either hear feedback (of how we were impacted by what you shared), and/or you tell us how you were impacted by sharing it.

Is something like this of interest to you?

Are you drawn to participate? What factors are important to you, to help you feel the most comfortable to express yourself?

I envision these OpenMics as less about perfect performance, and more about brave, honest, daring expression. If you're not sure about it, have lost sleep over it, maybe even dropped tears because of it... ALL THE BETTER.

In the comments, please let me know what's right, wrong or missing from this idea.

Also, please consider adding me to your auto-vote list (if you use one.) That might be a bold request, but it is not groundless. I ask on the strength of care that I load into each of my posts. Thank you for witnessing my words, and allowing me to witness yours.

Now, let's have some PIE with those forks! @erikaharris

Please be sure to modify the open Mic Night/Listening Lounge in the comments below. Thanks!

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