BIG NEWS: Robert Bosch is one of the biggest multinational companies originating from Germany in the field of engineering and electronics, and their India HQ is providing us their conference venue to conduct the #2 India Steemit Accelerator on 30th July!
If you don't know what Bosch is then check: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Bosch_GmbH
Bosch has been present in India for more than 80 years - first through a representative office in Calcutta since 1922, and from 1951 through its subsidiary Bosch Limited. - Bosch India
UPDATE Event Registration IS CLOSED! DM me on Steemit.Chat for any availability.
It is compulsory to fill this form. Due to the high level security at the facility last minute walk-ins are impossible.
~35 people have signed up already!
RSVP: https://goo.gl/forms/JmzlRk1nVD93VPK13
This will also allow me to email you and confirm seat availability on the day. But, even before I could make this post, a dozen people reached out to me personally for the event and have signed up! There are seats available for now, but please hurry!

Final dates for confirmation is marked 26th July but this may change by Monday as I get further clarification from the Bosch team towards the deadlines for confirmations/logistics. I'm hoping any of you planning to attend will fill the form by Monday.
Venue & Event Details:
Conference Address: MICO Sports Complex - New Mico Rd, Pukhraj Layout, Adugodi, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560030, India
Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/LKSGEAmiaHH2
Arrive by 10.30AM
Event Starts at 10.45AM
We will have a short break for some tea/coffee and snacks and resume the interactive session once again.
Event participation is FREE of cost! - So far made possible by your support towards my blogs and regular readership.
Why I think this is important!
For a moment after my call, I almost couldn't believe that the second accelerator program is happening at a conference hall of one the most famous names in the world of engineering! As a motoring and mechanical engineering fan it was my dream to visit the Bosch facility someday, and now I will be presenting to an audience there!
Indian user-base as I see it has tremendous potential to add value to the network. If the foundation is created with care, attention and focus, I think it could snowball into something very valuable in the long run for Steemit, Steem blockchain and this community that we are all collectively trying to build and sustain together!
A ripple effect of a tremendous growth in Steemit user base from India is that the whole cryptocurrency space and the ecosystem to support it in my country is likely to develop faster! A win-win situation for all!
**I hope my efforts to create a buzz around Steemit in India will someday generate interest amongst institutional investors who may potentially invest into the Steem cryptocurrency and/or build new applications on the Steem blockchain in addition to thousands of users joining this platform. I also welcome your support and encouragement towards this initiative. **
Steem blockchain can empower India and the world! My journey on Steemit is proof of the existence of that very possibility!
Donation to TRF!
I've also donated $240.340 SBD towards @steemfest's @t-r-f account to help increase the pool available to those who really need a little extra help in travelling to our global conference event at Lisbon, Portugal.
Stay tuned to my blogs for contests in the near future where you can possibly win couple of SteemFest tickets.
Way Forward
During my discussion it was indicated that VP level personnel from Bosch and Deutsche Bank may attend the event if they are free on the day. It would be great if they come, but most importantly, this location might serve as a catalyst that could potentially lead to greater things for Steemit in India.
I think I have a good network here, and my connections continue to grow steadily and I have to thank a dear friend for this incredible connection to Bosch.
It is my dream to take this forward to Pune, Delhi (owing to the increasing demand) and other cities with a small team to assist me and so on from there. Hopefully I can manage the budget somehow for those events, but we'll have to see how it goes on from here.
Who knows, what the future holds but for now I will get this done first!
I want to thank my dear friend @sjennon (also part of Firepower Crew) who made the incredible banner design for the India Steemit Accelerator. I think it looks amazing. I'm so proud of her ability to do this. She's a great gal and you must follow her blogs!
Previous Event Coverage
Successful #1 India Steemit Accelerator and Steem Cryptocurrency Meetup 2017!
Press Coverage of #1 India Steemit Accelerator in Top Indian News Publications!
If you like my work kindly resteem it to your friends. You may also continue reading my recent posts which might interest you:
- I Donated $1300+ Of My Income Earned On Steemit Last Month and This is My Mid-2017 Donation Update!
- Dummies Guide to Basic Steemit Account Security + Account Recovery Guide! Must Read For Steemit Users!