Get The Most Out Of Steemit! Stop Making Excuses! Make A Better Place For Everyone! - Follow-up Post


Amazing! I just wanted to take this time to write a quick follow-up post to the one I made earlier today. The response from everyone has been so positive and encouraging; and I sincerely appreciate anyone giving it the time of day, as I'm not even sure that I embedded that video properly! I am still learning the ropes on this site; so I want to thank you all for your immense support and patience.

Personally, as someone who wrote an introductory post that apparently didn't even warrant a welcoming comment (other than by one bot), I myself had been feeling a bit down and discouraged about putting valuable time into creating engaging posts for this community. I was wondering why I was even still here and if anyone out there would even care about my writing.

But again, after seeing that inspiring video I shared with you in my prior post, I decided to stop making excuses and continue learning more about this site and what it takes to be a proactive participant. I believe that everyone else can achieve this wonderful mindset too!

Today, I've been reading a lot of motivating articles by our own awesome users and am so proud to be a part of this unique movement. These articles shine a light on the importance of being true to oneself. We want to remember to write about not just what we know about but also about what we're passionate about! 

Here is an example of a great article by @clains that helped me maintain a healthy and hopeful attitude. I would like to hear everyone's thoughts on this and also get suggestions from each of you on what motivates you to make compelling posts and be a strong voice within our community!

I know there are limitations with this fledgling site; and I know much work is being done to resolve some of these temporary issues. I also know that bots, trolls, and cyberbullies come with the territory here, as we are an online community; but never let any of these setbacks stop you from pursing your goals on! There will always be many of us who care about your presence here and your good work!

So, always remember to dream big, set goals, take action, and never give up doing whatever it is that makes YOU happy! Now, keep spreading the love and support to your fellow readers and writers today and always!

Please feel free to leave me some comments and links to any cool posts that you feel I might also enjoy! 

With gratitude,




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