Hello my dear Steemians,
First of all, I have to thank @dan and @ned for giving birth to this revolutionary platform. We have just organised our first Steemit Team HK gathering today. We went to a cafe in Mongkok and I would like to share my joy with all of you! It's so marvellous!!
From STRANGERS to FRIENDS who chat every day, Steemit offers a marvellous opportunity for all of us to MAKE FRIENDS with each other.
Let's introduce ourselves here. We are a group of Hong Kong people who joint Steemit between May and June, and we are growing fast, with people coming from different fields, at different ages and with different skills. For example, we have programmer, scientists and designer in our team.
Another purpose of this gathering is that we need to collect the Steemit T-shirts designed by @nicolemoker previously. If you are interested in her design, you can check out her post here.
Thanks @nicolemoker @susanlo @aaronli @krischy @biuiam @kitcat @swagprincess @linuslee0216 @arkoko @nuagnorab @carinewhy @pakyeechan @nanosesame @chris77d for coming, looking forward to more gatherings in the future.
Please support our HK community and the great authors here. We will continue to spread Steemit to more people in Hong Kong.
Please reblog this post and show that Steemit is an amazing platform that you can really MAKE FRIENDS here, especially if you want Steemit can reach out to more people.
Note: ALL SBD rewards of this post will be evenly distributed to the people who joined the gathering.
今晚我們香港的朋友辦了一個小型聚會,順便把之前 @nicolemoker設計的T恤拿回家。之前不在微信群先說聲是為了給大家一個驚喜,surprise? 不用在電腦前穿T恤了。 :)
由互不相識的陌路人變為每天聊天打屁的朋友, Steemit確實有它的魅力所在。
謝謝 @nicolemoker @susanlo @aaronli @krischy @biuiam @kitcat @swagprincess @linuslee0216 @arkoko @nuagnorab @carinewhy @pakyeechan @nanosesame @chris77d 來到這次gathering,很開心呢!
@kitcat 與美女們的合照。