Song of Angels - Chapter 4

Written for Steemit: A love story occurs during a time anomaly. A woman from today somehow steps into an anomaly and meets a cowboy asleep on his ranch, in his bed, in the 1850's. ©Jeff Kubitz 2016 - All Rights Reserved.

Song of Angels - Chapter 4

Mindy Woczlewski courtesy of Nastya Muratokova

Please feel free to read and vote for the previous chapters:

Song of Angels - Chapter 1

Song of Angels - Chapter 2

Song of Angels - Chapter 3

The chill in the house grew and the storm outside Cyrus’s house rose in intensity. The fire in the stove flared as a lifetime of repressed now stoked passion roared in a brightness and warmth against seeping in elements. The light of the fire in the stove escaped from the seams of the burner lids to dance mesmerizing patterns of light and shadow around the embraced.

The wind howled outside in the great gusts as the huge storm hit the house. In the silence of the lonely house on the floor of the desert valley, snow could be heard as it fell upon the roof.

The wood crackled as it burned and the flames cast upon the walls, the light of the flames and they danced in intricate patterns ever changing each mesmerizing and different.

Cyrus moved and kissed Mindy through the door to the bedroom.

Mindless abandon suddenly shocked Mindy into a statement as Cyrus lowered her to his bed.
“Cyrus I don’t do this...I cannot do this - too fast for me." Yet she hungered for each kiss Cyrus placed on her open mouth. She returned heat for heat and desire overcame an thoughts she had, the questions, that drifted away from her conscious mind like the way the snow sometimes blew away and slowly moved in a wave from where it fell, moved by the wind like a wave on the water.

“I know. I have waited for you, Mindy, my eternal love for so very, very long.”
Ecstasy in union, rising crescendos of bliss, hammering howls of pleasure unleashed, thundered as the storm roared. Frosty breath panted in the darkness of the cabin. The night passed in an ancient rhythm. A struggle to keep warm against the cold loneliness of a harsh blizzard outside. Wind and hearts gusted again and again rising and screaming with the fury of nature just beyond the walls.

The only pause was Cyrus as he fed more wood into the stove. The only rest an attempt for him to catch his breath as he sowed. Mindy was a gasp at the power of the man. He was a giant of unquenchable thirst. They bonded as if they had known each other forever and their mating the fulfillment of a forced separation finally reunited after an eon apart. Like soul mates?

Though she began to suffer she could not ask him to stop. Through their exertions the room warmed, though strength flagged Mindy could not resist. The bed rocked as the tumult from outside shook all within. She gave and gave. Mindy received and received as if time and the world had ceased but for their love. Cyrus broke her; spent himself, whispered as if all his strength dissolved a whisper of one who has reached the full end of his endurance.

“I will love you forever.”

They fell into the unconsciousness of dreamless sleep locked in an embrace from which neither had the strength or the desire to part. The cold outside attempted to force entry but failed. As sleep deepened the storm passed into quiet abatement. The little house finally warm, wrapped in an insulated cocoon of snow, the heat of the heart of the hearth radiated new found consummated love.

"I was a virgin." Mindy whispered to Cyrus. "I never knew."

"I know." Cyrus whispered back as he held her in his arms under the blankets. They kissed again and again until both slept from exhaustion.

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