My Steemit Life, Ep. III: Money from Steem and Meeting the Cryptomancer in Tokyo

Finally, my wife can believe me. Some of that "money" I have been telling her I have been making on Steemit is now here in my hand, in the form of Japanese Yen. I withdrew from a Bitcoin ATM in Tokyo. Note to self: Bitcoin ATM service fees are ridiculous. Join an exchange. (I had avoided this for privacy reasons).

After this I met up with a fellow Steemian whom I had never met in person before! @cryptomancer works in Tokyo, and agreed to meet up and have lunch. He showed me a really good sushi spot, and we talked about everything from Steem, to crypto-portfolios, to family, to life in Japan. I was super pumped to make a new friend, thanks to the website.

As far as my Steemit life, I am still trying to figure out how to break through to the next level as far as earnings are concerned. I guess that involves bringing more users to the platform. When I started out, payouts were more volatile, but sometimes there would be rather sizeable ones. Now I am making about 30 dollars a post which is great, but am also really working harder and harder at my craft, so I want to see that change reflected in the reward. We shall see.

I made a video during my one day stay in Tokyo. I hope you will watch it and if you like it, consider giving it an upvote. I think it is one of my best.

As far as other side jobs, I heard back from a school that teaches adults, so I am looking forward to following through on that, to see where it leads.

Well. That's it for now, Steemians! See you soon!


Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist residing in Niigata, Japan.

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