Deciding What to Write About – Researching – Synthesis of a Blog Post. A Personal Approach by @katerinaramm (Part 1 – What to Post)

Having a blog on steemit is not an easy thing, and writing content on a constant, consistent basis can be even harder. You need to have a content base and of course craft the content you will publish.

Maintaining a self-owned blog might be easier, as you have total power and control over it. What you are writing, what or when you are publishing and you can edit – delete any content at any time. But a difficult question rises. Who will read what you are writing, and if you are writing to monetize your content, how do you do it?

Since this article is written on steemit, I will leave the above question unanswered and focus on the steemit blogs. These blogs are on the blockchain1, which means that nobody can ever delete them. (Are there any who did not know this?) The fact that they will remain published for ever and ever means that we should be even more careful when posting little bits of ourselves, of our lives, of our interests.

I assume that most of us already know about privacy issues and about not putting private information in public. But this again is another topic that we can talk about in the future.

I believe in steemit, I believe in the blockchain ever since I first started to realize the potential in it. I came in steemit 14 weeks ago and I plan to stay here. I wish to support anyone needing my help and I hope to be supported.


Several questions arise often and I am sure that at times we have the same things in mind.

There are uncountable types of content you can write about and I will post a few example steemit users in every type of content below. I am sure there are many more steemit users but I am including information for friends that I follow their posts


  • Original Content – Your Voice
    Blogs that don’t have to have a specific theme, they can be motivational, travel oriented, have information about previous experiences, any theme that could ‘lighten up’ your inspiration to write your opinion regarding it.
    You can see the blog of @eliakon who is using personal experiences to describe real time situations, most of them we might have already thought of ourselves or @shimster who is new on steemit but is posting about motivation in a nice and original manner @nikosnitza or @tkappa with his wacky facts!

  • Photography
    Photography is a phenomenal form of art that has been loved by even more people after the rise of ‘smartphones’ in the market and information about photography online. It is a wonderful thing to capture the moment and post a photograph, and there are many photo contests taking place. This is unfortunately not my field but I do enjoy looking at nice captures (especially when there is a story behind it)
    You can check some successful blogs by talented friends!
    @tbouras @avtzis.petros @frank74 @otsouvalas @evimeria (with her new camera!) @giosou and please forgive me if I forget someone

  • Art in its digital (and not only) form
    Art is beautiful to look at and I find it amazing that there are so many artists on steemit sharing their work! Art has many faces and can be found in everything but in this post I mean real art, digital paintings, paintings, sculptures, graphics!
    If you are an artists, do not be afraid to show your work, steemit is a place to make new friends and inspire yourself for new projects!
    You might want to follow the talented ... @artgalleryraka @skapaneas @sofi-m @mariandavp

  • Funny
    For you that have a good sense of humor, you could check the possibility of creating memes and use ‘dmania’ or create fun content and videos!
    You can check my friend @mariossap (if you cannot speak Greek you can consider learning some so that you understand his humor best) or follow the relevant tags for some inspiration!

  • Business and more
    When it comes to business, the content needs to be exquisite, well presented, motivating and to have a reason for its existence! There are many remarkable bloggers about this topic but I will mention @iliasdiamantis who has a nice way of writing, sharing his ideas and tips with us, and occasionally entertains us in a fun way!


  • Science
    Writing about science can be tricky. Your themes should be carefully selected and there are specific guidelines to keep in mind. Your grammar should be spotless, there should be a nice presentation with cited sources and your own point of view and use carefully your sources and your photos! Copywrited material should not be used or your post will not be considered scientific!
    You can check the community for promoting science @steemstem and @steemiteducation BUT make sure your read their criterias if you decide to post about it!

  • Writing
    Writing is a favorite of many. After all blogging is about writing, right? You can write short stories, poems or anything else that may inspire you.
    Feel free to visit and follow @ruth-girl and her inspirational, original content @arthur.grafo


  • Music
    What would we be without music? Music is probably as old as humanity and in this platform musicians can also earn by posting videos on DTube (Youtube alternative)
    Make sure to follow @zangmore the sax player and one of my favorite bands @thetroublenotes!

  • A category without theme – Inspire Yourselves!
    There are some people that you just need to follow and be inspired by them. They are as original and unpredictable and unique that I cannot find a tag for them but I wish to present them

  • @trumpman is as original as it gets. Whichever content he posts about, he brings it to life!

  • @onceuponatime was from the first inspiring people I met here. He foresees the future, so you better follow him and hear what he has to say (in his own unique way!)

  • @mariantela & @annadeda the steemit twins, both have a story to tell and they are not afraid to show how tough times can only make us stronger and how important is to see the bright side. After all, it all depends on what side you are looking at every situation.

  • @filotasriza3 is writing with humor about a variety of themes and has been to steemit for more than 1 year now, setting an example for the rest of us!


There are a lot more categories, such as ‘crypto’ – ‘steemit’ – ‘tutorials’ etc but it would take for ever to write everything down! You can also check the various contests in steemit and participate for a chance to win!

You can read about the use of tags that help you discover or be discovered and how to search them or how to craft eye catching headlines and of course feel free to google anything, steemit content will pop up because there are so many talented writers with brilliant pieces here!

For instance if you search “how to add an image in steemit” you will find many results that can help you.

Feel free to read about what NOT to do in steemit!

I have tried to include some basic themes for blog posts above and I hope this was inspiring for you that are unsure where to start or what to post about.

In the next part I will inform you of my way to research a theme and hope to welcome comments regarding that and then a third part will follow about ‘Synthesis’ or the ‘Bringing Together’ the information gathered in order to form a post.

Thank you for reading, I will be very glad to receive your feedback and thoughts regarding this post.

I actually had something else in mind, but my typing led me to a different destination that what my brain was thinking!

Remember: Steemit is a community based social media platform. You need to find your way and be unique, original so just ... Be You!


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