2017 Followers on Steemit! Thank you!

We’ve hit another important milestone that I’ve missed to be honest but I’ll write my celebratory post anyways. We’ve got over 2017 followers before the end of 2017, a pretty awesome feat if I do say so myself.

I just touched on the roots of the concept behind luck which happens when preparation meets opportunity. In many ways, that’s how we made it to where we are now. We carefully planned our whole on the run process from the beginning in an attempt to be best prepared for it. And truth be told, no one can really be prepared for going on the run until they do it, but we gave ourselves a helluva leg up with what we did do.

We planned telling our story from the beginning although we had NO idea what that was going to look like other than vaguely blogging and a book down the line. Truth be told we prepared the least in regards to actually capturing our story as we didn’t take pictures of most of our journey on the run and we also didn’t take notes of what happened during that super stressful time, leaving us to put the pieces together months later.

Truth be told the hardest part about telling our story was remembering everything, in order and as it happened. We were so stressed out we no doubt missed out on a lot during our journey due to our mindstate. I became very upset and discouraged when I found how hard it was to remember something that had been so pivotal in my life and so recent to when I was sharing it. Truth be told time, even short, time, changes shit.

One thing I tell everyone that comes here is to write down what happens along the way. As far as I know, the only person to have done this was @pauliepro, who needs to get back to sharing his story already! One thing I love about my involvement with Steemit this past year is that my whole year is catalogued, there’s nothing to question like there was while we were on the run and freaking out.

Many of our followers have come in the last few months and many of them are barely if at all familiar with who we are, and that’s fine but I’m working on my flashback posts in an attempt to do a few things, like put all those posts in one place and clue my new followers in. We’re not you’re average expat bloggers!

To all of my followers, old and new, I thank you. Your support, especially the comments, keep me going on this. This platform has been an interesting experiment in social media that we’ve enjoyed being a part of. We also enjoy that we’ve been able to share our story while improving our lives, what a plus!

Things to look out for from us in the future!

Update on Anarchoforko! Finally!
Updates on Going off the Grid
More Farming
More Gardening
More Glass
More food and food PORN!
More flashbacks, more stories.

Help me celebrate One Year On Steemit by reading and upvoting my post on it!

Check out some of my other recent posts!
Mexican Sunsets: Near Playa Bonfil
One Year on Steemit
Acapulco Botanical Garden Adventures: Wet Season Through John’s Camera 1

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