Acapulco Botanical Garden Adventures: Wet Season Through John's Camera 1

This trip to the botanical garden, we had three cameras and a nice lens opposed to the just one entry level camera we had the first time we went. This allowed John and even @modprobe to take pictures (although I ended up stealing the battery from @modprobe's, that fancy lens uses a lot of power. ) I'm just now getting around to sharing photos other than the one's I took that day, and John took more than 500 photos for me to sort through. So the pictures aren't done yet! Enjoy!

Check out some of my other recent posts!

Here are the other posts from this set!
Acapulco Botanical Garden Adventures: Wet Season 1
Acapulco Botanical Garden Adventures: Wet Season 2](@lily-da-vine/acapulco-botanical-garden-adventures-wet-season-visit-part-2)
Acapulco Botanical Garden Adventures: Wet Season 3
Acapulco Botanical Garden Adventures: Wet Season 4
Acapulco Botanical Garden Adventures: Wet Season 5
Acapulco Botanical Garden Adventures: Wet Season 6

3 columns
2 columns
1 column