Top 8 Best Reasons Why SWAT Teams Point Guns At Babies: PART 2 of 9

If you want to read Part 1 before you get started with today's submission click HERE. Actually, I recommend it.

Here we go now, starting with number 8: (You're gonna love this!)

#8. Fear of Organic Food

Let's be real. Organic food is some scary shit, ya'll (I'm in Texas)! Chemical companies need you to be sick and dying. You are much more valuable that way.

Organic food has many times more nutrients in it than food grown in a massive mono-crop with pesticides and other chemicals.

Standard farming practices in the United States supports questionably motivated families such as Dupont, Dow and Krupps. These families are also known to be financially compensated by both the medical and pharmaceutical industry.

If everyone ate healthy, organic food, these powerful industries would lose a lot of money. People might lose their jobs, have to beg in the streets, go hungry, be homeless, push a shopping cart. So, yeah, organic food is scary stuff.

The SWAT team who felt threatened that fateful day by our little two week old baby was, in actuality, afraid of organic food. So, they crashed their big tractor through our front gate and plowed it directly through our feared football field size garden and mowed down our juicy tomatoes, sweet blackberries as well as our once thriving okra plants.

Healthy people who grow and eat healthy food might threaten these SWAT team members ability to provide a paycheck which in turn provides mono-crop, faceless farmer and processed foods for their families. Okay, I can see why a two week old baby might be a threat to a SWAT team member...sure.

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Tomorrow I will post part 3 with reason number 7. Each part will have links to all previous parts posted. See you then.

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