Liar, liar!

10 Truths & 1 Lie Reveal


It's actually a lot harder than I thought to tell a lie for this game. It doesn't really help that my life isn't very interesting. The 10 Truths & 1 Lie game is a super fun way to learn fun facts about other Steemians. There are still a lot of active games right now that you can find in the #tenfactsonelie tag, so go learn some cool things about everyone else!

Well let's get to the reveal, shall we?

1. I eloped 2 years ago. Only one person knew about it, they got mad at me a few months ago and told my mom. Now the world knows.


Yea, I know not everyone will agree but for personal reasons we decided to do marriage the non-traditional way. We were going to tell family when we were ready but the one person who talked me into eloping, got mad at me and told my mom. My mom then was furious and told facebook.

2. I have moved over 15 times since the 4th grade. I have never had a stable home, including the one I live in today.


My mom has basically been a single mom my entire childhood up until after I moved out. She did the best she could but we did have to move a lot. Now that I'm older, its my fault that my living situation still isn't stable but one day soon it will be.

3. At 16, I got my first car. I was so excited to drive but had nowhere to go. I did what I thought was best and drove circles around the house because driving was fun.


This is sadly the truth. My mom still laughs at me! I would drive my car around the house and around the garage just for fun. She would stand outside laughing at me as she watched me drive the road to nowhere.

#3 chosen by @mashiliyanage & @lil-mich

4. I worked in a nursing home taking care of the elderly. I was bitten, smacked and kicked by them almost every single day.


I was placed on the dementia unit as my permanent hall to work. It was a love/hate job, as it was very rewarding to care for those who trealy needed it. However, I was abused by the elderly daily. I was smacked in the face, hit in the head with clothes hangers, kicked and even bitten.

5. I had an older sister that passed away shortly after she was born. I received her middle name to keep her memory alive.


My sister passed away 15 minutes after she was born. She was given the name Brittany Nicole. I was born a few years after her and I recieved her middle name.

6. Around the age of 18, I was at a gas station and a guy asked me for $5. I told him that I didn't have $5 so he pulled a gun out on me and asked for whatever I had.


Sadly this is true. I was very fortunate that another person was there and seen what was going on. This person very firmly told the man to keep it moving and motioned for me to take advantage of the distraction and leave. It was late at night and I left so fast that I forgot to turn my light on. Shortly down the road I was flagged down to turn my lights on.

#6 chosen by @djfugly & @insideoutlet

7. After highschool I was enrolled into college. I wanted to work in radiology but I quit college because it was too hard.


I did think about going to college for radiology but I never went through with it. Had I went to school for it this probably would have been true as I have heard it is very hard.

#7 chosen by @brunotelesgrilo & @gprince

8. I currently own a pet mini pig. I have never had a stronger connection with any other animal.


Mrs.Piggy is my best friend. She is truly a handful but she is the most compassionate animal and shows so much love to me. Cuddles are her favorite thing to give!

9. I played indoor soccer as a child, I quit that because I got hit directly in the face with the ball. I cried and never wanted to play again.


My mom made me finish the season out but I didn't give it my all after being hit in the face. It wasn't a very pleasant experience.

#9 chosen by @poyim

10. I was born without a soft spot on my head. The specialist told my mom that I would be deformed.


I was meant to be disformed and my brain wasn't supposed to be able to grow like it normally should. Lucky for me, it did but I do believe that my dumb blonde tendencies have to do with that!

#10 chosen by @cisse56

11. I was once bitten by a dog because I screamed at a spider.


We had a rescue German Shepherd and he was very timid. I was super scared of spiders at the time and he was super scared of loud noises. I still have a pretty bad scar on my side from the bite.

The first person to chose the correct answer was @brunotelesgrilo! Congratualtions, 0.5 SBD has been transferred to your account. @gprince also guessed the lie! I have transferred a surprise prize to your account.

Thank you to everyone who played along! I do apologize for missing Contest Tuesday yesterday but I still encourage you all to engage with the community and join some contest this week. Contest Tuesday will resume normal schedule next Tuesday.

@terminally has a fun lottery right now that resembles Pick 3. Go join and have fun, my friends!

Click here to join this contest! You have the chance to win SBD and to help terminallyill give back to an amazing initiative.

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