3 Things I Like to Change on Steemit

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3 Things I Like to Change on Steemit

This a response to the 30-day writing challenge by @dragosroua. Please join in. It does make you think about your experience on Steemit.

May 30 Days Writing Challenge - Day Seven: Name 3 Things That Must Be Done Immediately To Make Steemit.com A Better Experience

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1 More Guidance to Newbies

Steemit is not an easy platform to engage on if you come from a non-tech background. I myself am a point in case. I had no idea what markdown is and have no coding experience whatsoever.

I did read the instructions available in the drop-down menu next to the profile picture. That helped a little - but some of the functions described there didn't work no matter how closely I followed the guide.

Then I discovered how to videos which were a bit more helpful since I do learn better by seeing how something is done, reading about it and then, implementing it.

The only problem was that many of the tricks and tips were outdated since the platform is constantly changing.

I brought people on board who are computer savvy and are even building websites - and I had to sit down with them and teach them what to do. Well, I was proud of myself for having (somewhat) figured out this platform, but my point is that many are scared and don't try again.

So, I would like to see simple how-to tutorials which are up to date and immediately accessible to a newcomer - links in the email that delivers the master key.

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2 Clear Instructions on How to Use the Keys

I see way too many people getting hacked. It seems to be happening almost every day to someone in the many groups on discord. Even people who are on the platform for a while do not seem to understand how important it is to NOT use the master key unless a key change is necessary.

There is a welcoming message now asking to keep the master key safe, but I don't think it is enough. An email sequence going out to all newcomers with one step at a time instructions of the most important functions and filled with links to find more help on the platform might be a good idea. I am thinking of a 5 email welcoming sequence. Of course, with the privacy laws, people need to opt in to that when signing up.

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3 Communities or Private Groups

Right now, the only interaction we can have with each other is via comments on a post. That is great, but it is not easy to reach more than one person that way. ChainBB was trying to address that with the forum function - I think - but it was so complicated that I never got the hang of it. And I tried. Since it is gone now I am assuming that I wasn't the only one who couldn't figure it out.

We need an easy way to send private messages and to interact as a community without having to go to a completely different server - which we are all doing now by using Discord.

I know that is in the making and am really looking forward to it. Also, in case you haven't read @dragosroua's post, I agree that the token should come later. Let's first figure out how that community function works before adding another layer. Also, having tokens as an incentive from the very beginning will invite scams and spam - I think.

Buiding strong communities first and then introducing the tokens seems like a good idea to me.

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If you like to read my responses to the past questions, here we go.

Day 2 -How to Handle a Windfall of 1000 Steem

Day 3 -Trying to Chose the Best Thing Steemit Has Done for Me

Day 4 - 5 Witnesses and my Why

Day 5 - My Top 5 Crypto Holdings - Day 5

Day 6 - Why am I still on Steemit - Day 5 - 30 Day Writing Challenge

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We are having a party at the Freewrite House you don't want to miss!!!



Join us for the daily 5 - Minute Freewrite. Check my profile for a new prompt every day.


All images are my own unless otherwise cited.


My recent posts

Water - Deranged Photography Contest

Day 6 - Why am I still on Steemit - Day 5 - 30 Day Writing Challenge

Baby Chick

My Dogs Must be Crazy!!!

5 Witnesses and my Why - Day 4

Week 5 - Pay it Forward Contest

Day 3 - Trying to Chose the Best Thing Steemit Has Done for Me

How to Handle a Windfall of 1000 Steem

Daily Prompt

Take it to the Streets/ Photo Contest

If you find a post after the seven days, please consider upvoting a more recent post.



#SoCalSteemit is building and supporting the Steemit community of Southern California. If you are from SoCal and are into creating quality content here on Steemit, we'd love for you to follow us @SoCalSteemit and join our group on Discord!


art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


Award by @japhofin8or


Thank you @enginewitty for the banner


Click on the graphics to vote for Enginewitty as a witness

Other ways to earn cryptocurrency

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Join Sola and earn SOL: https://sola.ai/posts/MDExZWV
Join Mana - Universal Income Project: https://www.mannabase.com/?ref=179a62831e
Listen to bitrad.io and earn Bro: https://bitrad.io/?ref=97511
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