Yay, XXXX Followers! NOT Important

If you have made a post with a title similar to the first part of the title of this post, let me assure you - this post is not directed specifically against your achievement. In fact I may have made such a post in the past that mentioned the number of followers too, but it is important to know what I am going to say in this post.

It's Not the Number That Is Important

It is the type of followers that is most important. Your followers should be those who are interested in the content that you publish. People who click on your titles should do so out of their own free will so that they can read your post. Not because they want to plug in their own post link in the comments section or leave the ubiquitous nice-post-thanks-for-sharing message for you.


It is no use having followers who do not read your content but only wait for you to upvote their comment(many a time not even upvoting your post) so that they can earn a few cents. Such kind of followers will do no good either to you or the platform.

There seems to be a race to get the highest number of followers in the shortest amount of time. I have seen posts that scream a headline that says asks users to drop their links and get an upvote. These bloggers do not seem to understand the concept of having people follow them.

I call this the "Tsu mindset" - Tsu was a failed website that encouraged follow for a follow and other such dubious practices that made their way to Steemit. This is not Tsu nor will it ever become one.

You will always find it easy to acquire followers who follow you for a drop-your-link promotion(if you ever have one) or comment on your post just for an upvote. Chances are that these followers will not have too many blog posts of their own, and will instead have more of resteems in order to fill up their profile page.

The worst thing about these followers is that they are here for the short term only and will gone after earning a handful of SBDs with their incessant quest for comment upvotes. They have no interest in cryptocurrency, blockchain, or any of the popular topics on Steemit and most probably do not have any idea of what good content really is.


Which brings me to the next important point.

How many of your followers are still active?

When you go through the list of followers you will find that a majority of them no longer post anything anymore, not even comments. That is the reason why you should never seek people to follow you for a reward. They will claim the rewards till they are available and be seen no more.

If anyone likes your posts and looks for good content like yours on topics of interest he or she will follow you for the long term anyway.

Your true followers are those who are attracted to your blog due to your quality content, including thoughtful and useful comments on other blogs. They will wait your posts to be published, and the upvote and resteem them after they enjoy reading what you have to say. Consuming your regular content, they will always be there to read your latest post. Those are the people you should blog for and have as your followers.

(¯`•._ _.•´¯)

Would you please UPVOTE and RESTEEM this post so that it can reach others too? Also do FOLLOW me for more useful and interesting posts.




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Image sources: Pixabay, Giphy, Canva

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