Philosophy Asks Us That We Destroy Our Idols [A Defence Of The Sociopath Whale That Is @berniesanders]

A glitch in The Matrix

Many have loved and cursed the whale that is @berniesanders on Steemit. Amongst the most recent was @aggroed with his post: 'A Tender Heart and a Dedicated Asshole: The Enigma of @berniesanders':


@berniesanders is indeed a mystery wrapped within an enigma. I myself have been flagged by him as well as having him as my Most Valuable Player (MVP) when it comes to upvotes. I do not try to understand the sociopath that is bernie - he is a requirement for balance and contrast within the Steemit ecosystem no matter how extreme his views. His views are not for sale. He cannot be curtailed by man or beast!


The Socrates of Steemit?

Socrates teaches us to attack our idols in philosophy: to probe for weaknesses or glitches within our system that are morally wrong. Bernie is like a laser guided missile when it comes to this. He probes the belly of the beast, as well as other Steemians without fear or retribution.

For me bernie makes Steemit a chaotic and questioning place. Some of his flagging is a nightmare, but his recent attacks on @gavvet did to an extent feel valid. He is indeed the Robin Hood of Steemit. He makes sure that the #rewardpoolrape issue stays within limits.


For me, bernie is the man with the whip. When he does use it, you will always feel the pain. It is only when you dig a little deeper to that pain, do you find some kind of absurd logic - no matter how absurd you might find him. My advice is: follow him today. Socrates would be proud of you. Steemit would indeed be a worse place without him.

Steem on @berniesanders!!


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