Last week I presented an idea for steemit to question.. What's In The Box? What if we discover there is no way to open the box.. do we give up, go home and move on and forget about the box? Or maybe this is a good opportunity to...
Think Outside The Box

Now that is confusing as hell and I honestly don't know where I'm going with this but please keep reading and let's see if we could figure this shit out...
I'm certain about one thing.. that is, I somehow always manage to think completely different from the average person. From 1st grade all the way to my senior year in High School, shoot... even now, whenever someone ask me a question.. I freeze up like a deer with headlights.

Give me some alone time with my computer and plenty of whisky, I'll give you a funny video, joke or just pure clever shit to enjoy as an answer... even tho I probably don't even answer the question at all.. but it's relevant to the question at least.
Still don't know where I'm going with this...
This is kind of how I live my life... aside from my acting career.. I have yet to mature into the fine gentleman society expects me to be and I think I'm ok with that. You guys wouldn't be in my life, if I did and I probably wouldn't be as carefree and happy as I am now. I must admit at some point and several years back.. I was about to give into those expectations.. I had an office job, working 9-5 Monday thru Friday and slowly becoming a zombie as I followed this repetitive motion of absolute boredom.

I love my job now and if anything I can say.. I want to share these moments with you guys on steemit because it's so much fun to live in the moment, meet new people, maybe even catch an STD or get a tattoo. If we're ever going to find out..
"What's In That Box" we first have to
think outside the box and since we're already outside of
"THAT BOX" enjoy what we have before everything changes once we're inside. Now I've been in and out of meetings, talking with different steemians trying to find the best way to help promote a positive change to the community. Along the way, I've watched whales and minnows get stomped on and ran over... everyone is demanding justice for flag abuse, not even the founder and creator has control. We're so caught up in these skirmishes of
Who's right or wrong and forgot about the main reason why we even on steemit...
Now I can guarantee that once we loosen up, stop abusing each other and return to having a good time as me and a few other users are doing including @titusfrost and his steemit player haters ball of 2016 and @stellabelle with an interesting comment she left under my post, Steemits Douchebag Nominations, basically acknowledging the fact that,
"maybe, we can be ourselves once again" on steemit. Think about it.. even tho @titusfrost is responsible for the pizzagate chaos which eventually led to a fucking nutcase going to comet pizza ready shoot everybody into hamburger meat, Titusfrost was still able to STEP away or should I say.. OUTSIDE of that realm (BOX) and actually joke about himself.
hmm.. think I know where I'm going with this...
Just looking at his actions and taking my own for consideration as well.. I kinda have an idea of
"What's in the Box" and I have a feeling that it's a deeper understanding of what or
WHO we are truly meant to be as a community. We may in fact need some external source of influence to figure out how to get inside and discover how legendary we can actually be. Moderation, structure or just flat out coins with power, to either encourage a team building environment or to flush out the negative intentions of bitter bots/investors. It's going to take a lot more then my clever videos and retarded philosophy to convince everyone to make these commitments but I'm going to keep pushing, fighting, scratching and clawing for anyone or anything that seems rightfully wronged or wrongfully right.
What whales and minnows fail to realize is one and the same...

considering the problem from the opposing sides perspective
read that again and think about it... that issue isn't a problem at all, it's the common complaint..
The Real Problem... is...
OPPOSING SIDES. If we continue to act out and respond to users according to their value of steem power/wealth.. The se7en deadly sins of steemit will surely ruin us. Let's face it, there's always going to be a HUGE gap in power, wealth and success.. it's not the whales, bots or brown nosing leeches either.. everyone on this platform is responsible for what steemit is today and that's when I had a revelation...
what if we're actually stuck inside a box which only means, we're asking the wrong question... the real question is
What the hell is outside of this box?

In my opinion.. there's happiness, opportunity, incentives for everyone to enjoy themselves without any worries of being flagged because everyone outside the box has evolved and once they see this idea of opinionated bitterness repressing the masses, they'll counter act that practice with an even bigger, bolder and unimaginable power move that is going to have everyone reconsider their actions... yes, even the whales.
Could you imagine having that type of power...

A bot-less voice of power?
Trust me.. it feels good when you don't have to worry about someone hating on your creation. It feels even better when you can pay it forward and help someone feel the same way. In order to get there, we must stop selling ourselves short and think beyond bitcoin, blockchains & steem.. we have to think beyond this box...
BEYOND EVERYTHING and then we'll succeed. If someone like me can do it.. everyone on steemit and their momma can do it. I challenge everyone of you to...

Till Next Time... Adios Amigos
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