Can Steemit become your full time job?

Around a year back it was the time when I was desperately looking out for a job. I had a nice hefty paying job back home in India, but when my husband shifted to Muscat I joined him. I had to quit my job, and I was very confident that I would get something or the other here, but due to certain country laws it was getting difficult.

There were no finance issues, but when you have your hands and schedule full and then suddenly you become empty leaves you exposed. Though my Crystals & Counselling work was always on but I had never thought of making that my source of income. And with the new country again to get yourself known for your work is not easy.

It was just getting on me that I was not doing anything substantial. I was more or less trying to fill up my days by doing something or the other but at the end of the day there was no satisfaction and contentment to what I was doing. It felt like I was spread all over aimlessly. I had set some long term goals for me and I felt like they were all coming down and falling apart.

July 2017 was when I joined steemit. It was recommended to me by my husband, and he told me, you like to write so why not try it out. At first I was very sceptical, but gradually I started and yes I had my share of setbacks, hits everything, and in the initial months my enthusiasm was also very less as I was not seeing much traction. I felt like I was a drop in the ocean going unnoticed and my content does not mean anything.

But gradually towards October the pace build up, then gradually by Dec I saw myself gaining speed, and now I am completely involved here with all my heart. And all this has happened with a lot of extra efforts put in.

Now I see myself settled here, have understood the system well, just like you would take time to settle down in any job and start functioning 100% over a period of time.

I absolutely now have no intention of getting back to a full time 9 to 5 job. I have been also recommending my friends specially those who would wish to have a consistent earning and at their pace.

Like any job or business I now dedicate few hours in the day to my steemit work. I plan my post in a way that it keeps giving me consistent earning. I do not keep this attitude that I will be doing this in my free time, I give complete priority to my work here.

Benefits of being on steemit over your regular job is

  1. You work at your own terms and at your own time
  2. You get an ability to express and write all that you feel
  3. You get paid for the amount of efforts you put in
  4. It takes care of the inflation, as the steem price rises so does the value of your earning.
  5. Yearly bonus, increments all gets taken care off by the consistent rise in steem price.
  6. You are your own boss.
  7. It gives you complete work satisfaction as you write only what you enjoy.
  8. You get to know new people and be friends with them across the globe
  9. There is a continuous learning with so much of knowledge out there and real life experiences being shared

I guess these many are more than enough for one to go full swing on Steemit

It has been my observation here that every single individual who has put their heart in this work and consistently made efforts have gradually risen up.

Moreover for me I have found back my lost confidence. I feel empowered and in control. I feel freedom in every way, and a lot more.

This platform gives an opportunity from your journey of nothing to everything.

With Love and Angels Blessings πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»

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