Steemit and Online Comics

Steemit and Online Comics

Once there were a number of small comic companies that planned to capitalize on platform oriented comics for online, smartphone, and tablet. I'm thinking primarily of Android Comics, which later became Robot Comics. They made an awesome go at it. Their line up was very much alternative comics. One of my favorites was Valentine but readers wanted Marvel and DC, Spider-Man and Batman. Now there are comic viewers that do all the moving and zooming for you over full sized PDF files. Still headache inducing to me.

And there still remains a growing market for online comics, but most of them lack the financial incentives to attract and retain sufficient talent. Those that do have such incentives have no room for underground or alternative comics. Worst of all many of these companies seek creative control and ownership over content.

Steemit offers a unique opportunity for online comics, if there is a following for it, and because of the intimate contact creators have with readers they can expect immediate feedback in the form of upvotes. As well as payments within 24 hours of publication and again after 30 days.

Professionals at the big two don't get that, and when they move here their fans will follow. Once they have fully migrated their fans, it is likely that they will make a better page rate than any major comic company could possibly pay in that legacy business model.

There has never been a better opportunity for alternative comics or even hobbyist. With Steemit they are very likely to see their content create immediate, maybe even for the first time, and eventually, substantial income. This without surrendering ownership of their intellectual property.

I suspect that Steemit will see a vast number of sequential artist coming on board. So hold onto your hat, there are likely to be some fantastic stories to be told. That will surely be a win win for comic creators and their fans on Steemit.

Thanks Steemit

Written by Robert B Kirkpatrick for Steemit.
Please read more of my work at Neopatriarch's Steem Page


biglieThe Big Lie An original noir sci-fi comic
Bus Stop a short comic about frustration with public transportation.

alienHow to Draw an Alien Head
How to Draw this Ghost

My Bitcoin Comic
Bitcoin Comic #2
Another Bitcoin Comic

Tips can be sent by Bitcoin with the QR code below.


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