Does downvoting a post help build Steemit? Take the survey

Except for the 1% & 2% upvotes, I am unaware of any angst on upvoting. On the other hand, everyone on @Steemit has very strong opinions on downvoting.

Anyone on Steemit has the right to upvote or downvote a Steemit post or comment, as they deem fit.

    One man's right 
    is another woman's whimsy, 
    is another man's protection of the rewards pool, 
    is another woman's destroying the community.
Gaining more insight into the downvoting hot button issue on Steemit, was sparked by a Facebook comment by @ebryans, which encouraged me to find out about what the community thinks through a survey.

Kindly take the Downvoting Survey here.

Does downvoting a post help build Steemit? Take the survey here

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