Review of the HF19; How I feel about Steemit & 👏👏👏👏 GIVEAWAY ! | HF-19 有感, 取之steemit,用之steemit GIVEAWAY

Sorry guys, I am not the guy who time traveled from the past and I am not intended to make such a misleading title.

But I did anyway.

For steemians who joined after the HF19, it literally means Hard Fork 19. For more information, you can check @crytowallet ’s post here. And for what a Hard Fork is, please check here.

In short, the generous payout from STEEMIT (if you make good contents…) which we love so much is mostly because of the change made by the HF19.

Okay, enough for the non-important.

This is not the actual review of HF19. Instead, it is a review of HF19 —— SAMPO OVEN.




Thank You!

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Here is the Link to original post

So, what happened?

It has been a while since the celebration of our kind-hearted @deanliu reaches his Rep-70. Besides keeping all hard-earned SBD to himself, he decided to do a giveaway and give back part of his earning from the community to the community. That spirit is what makes a community strong.

I was supposed to write a response post once I received it. I have to apologize to @deanliu for taking so long to write a post for receiving the HF-19 memorial oven. (Because I am busy baking… that is partially true about that “busy” part but it is clearly not very persuasive…)

How I feel about winning this lovely oven?

Could you imagine a situation where you met new friends online on a new platform? Ya, that's quite normal in this era. What about receiving a tangible gift sent by an internet friend because you won a giveaway through that online platform? Well, That's how it feels.
Although I didn’t receive it personally (My relatives who live in TW helped me with that) It still feel surreal when he gave me a call about the arrival of the oven and send me those oven pictures.

Anyhow, I wasn't expecting any prize in the first place and was simply would like to join the celebration with some familiar faces I have been chatting here on steemit with that opportunity. And it turns out GREAT.

I am grateful for having this lovely oven. Thank you again for the great event on STEEMIT @deanliu.


What attracted me to STEEMIT was the idea of turning quality, meaningful articles into something tangible for normal folks. (Yes, I consider STEEM & SBD & BITCOIN tangible). And that idea motivates great authors, singers, designers to the same platform. The longer I stay, the more I learned every single day through the people I followed. I don’t know about you, but I like to learn new things very much. It makes me feel alive.


I would also like to express my gratitude to @abit & 所有茶東 @laodr and people who have always been kind and helpful to all minnows like me on STEEMIT. With the right support from each other and the value we generate here, I believe we can grow so much further.

What next?

I felt like I owe @deanliu and the STEEMIT community something for being a vibe killer at the party for being a slow responder.

Therefore, I decided to do another giveaway for celebrating @deanliu reaching to his Rep-70 on his Rep-70 's 30-day mark.



@deanliu is matching the prizes. Therefore, winners will get prizes in doubled the original amount!

All prizes will send after the result is final.


  • (1) Please upvote this post.
  • (2) Upvote (any weight will do) and comment anything nice to @deanliu for reaching his Rep-70's 30-day mark on the "Comment to win! Thanks, 大家的劉美女" comment below.
  • (3) You will be qualified for one prize only.
  • (4) all participants must be - at least 100 posts/comments before this posting time, rep > 40, and my own final judgment.


  • I will also use to draw winners among qualified participants. Cut off time will be the post payout time.
  • All prizes will send after the result is final.

不知道大家還記得HF-19嗎?我很幸運,剛接觸steemit 沒多久就發生了HF-19。

對於在HF19之後加入的朋友,HF-19 即是 Hard Fork 19,硬叉19。您可以查看@crytowallet的帖子這裡。 而對於什麼硬叉,請檢查這裡

我們的 @deanliu 劉美女也在剛HF-19 沒多久後到達他的Rep-70。Rep-70這是一個什麼概念?只有凡人的智慧的我沒能參透到。只能遠觀仰望一下。 你會問Rep-70 就 Rep-70,有什麼特別?特別在他在剛HF-19和他Rep 升到70的時侯舉辦了一次好玩的互動貼。該貼他送出了不少獎品獎金。可謂取之steemit,用之steemit。

而我,就正是該貼大獎HF-19 SAMPO OVEN的得獎者! :)


我必須向 @deanliu 致歉,先前因公務沒有時間發回應文。而我又不想隨隨便便草草貼圖了事。所以花了一段小時間才真正寫出來。(30天...別生氣,看我多認真 :))


更新: 劉美得知眾人對其美言心裏甚歡,決定所有獎項比照提供,所以是double prize。



  • (1)Upvote 此貼。
  • (2)在 "Comment to win! Thanks, 大家的劉美女"的comment 下 upvote(任意比重) 和留言 主題為"一人一個撩劉美女的句子😳"。
  • (3)參照先前劉美的標準 - 條件包括至少在本帖發布前已經有100個posts/comments,信用高於40,及我自己最後的判斷。


  • 我也將使用random.org亂數抽出合格之獲獎者。截止時間為本帖收益分配時間(約7天後)
  • 中過其中一個獎不能再拿其他獎

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