......... i am realy tired ...from coments on my posts ....

I am not a whale ... i am even not a dolphin , can you please stop spam every my post wit Follow for follow and Upvote me please ? 

It makes  me very upset you come on my post .... auto spam comment , never read what is all about and demand me to follow and upvote you >?

I vote and follow only manual , i read every post send to me here and also on Discord . 

If you like me to follow or vote you be just nice , go and READ WHAT I POST !

I got 20+ welcome to steemit comments ..... IN MY POST . AND  SAYD I AM HERE CLOSE TO A YEAR !


I am really tired from all this so i will MUTE every one who spam things like this on my post ! 

I know is hard on Steemit but make a bit effort and READ MY POST.

I am positive person and i try to help as much i can but every thing have a limit !


Dont forget to join us in Discord Whaleshares ! https://discord.gg/RRDzn6c


                Stay positive  and many smiles !!! 


Feel free to comment , criticize, follow or unfollow me !

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