Cooking with Steem - recipe books for promoting steemit

There are so many great recipes on steemit.

Food is always popular and has universal appeal.
Steemit needs to expand its numbers, its demographics and its mass appeal.

Can we bring the two together and use recipes as a way to promote steemit?

Instead of just giving out leaflets to attract new users, how about giving out recipe sheets, or better still little recipe booklets, as an example of the range of content on steemit?

The recipe books or sheets could be general or could target particular food audiences.

For example there could be :

  • Cooking with steem : seafood
  • Cooking with steem : desserts
  • Cooking with steem for vegans
  • Cooking with steem for students
  • Cooking with steem on a budget
  • Cooking with steem for homesteaders etc etc

The recipe books could be used globally, or they could be selective for each country. Each would be in the appropriate local language.


The smaller recipe sheet could be an A4 sheet folded to A5 with a recipe on each of three sides. The fourth side would have details about steemit, what it is, how to sign up etc. Each of the recipes would include the steemit address of the recipe provider.

For full colour printing, on a decent paper, for quantities of say 5000 the cost would be around 2p (US $0.03) a recipe sheet. [This is based on UK costs.]

The full recipe books would obviously be more costly to produce. It would depend on the number of pages, type of binding etc, but a target price of less than a dollar each should be achievable.

The full recipe books might have say 36 recipes, with a cover illustration on the front, and a about steemit and how to join section on the back. Again all recipes would have the steemit address of each provider.

How could we do this?

Pretty simply really. Here's a suggested step-by-step plan of action.

  1. Invite steemians to contribute original recipes.

  2. The best / most appropriate recipes are selected.

  3. The selected recipes are checked for originality of content, and light-touch edited to standardise (and internationalise if necessary) measuring units.

  4. The recipes are then laid out into a more or less common format to fit onto an A4 page.

  5. The about steemit / how to join steemit page is added.

  6. The recipe leaflet or recipe book is then compiled into the final pdf ready for printing.

  7. The pdf is made available for anyone to download and get printed for local use wherever they are.

Points to note

  1. It is envisaged that steemians will not be paid directly for their recipes. They must be willing to provide them freely. The big payback for recipe contributors is that their steemit address will be on the recipes so they are likely to gain significant numbers of followers (and therefore upvotes).

  2. All recipes must be original - they cannot be copied from recipe books or online sources. Contributors will be asked to give an undertaking to that effect. Images to be used with the recipes must be either original or from an identified copyright-free source.

  3. Contributors must allow for some editing of their recipes. This will only be for grammar, spelling, unit standardisation etc. The ingredients or instructions will not be materially changed.

  4. Once the recipe leaflet and recipe book have been created, the format and layouts will be available for anyone to use anywhere in the world, assuming they are not used for commercial gain and the original authors are given due credit.


One big question will be funding for printing.

I don't know if Steemit Inc has any budget available to help with this sort of promotional work. Maybe @andrarchy could assist with this question.

Alternatively it is perhaps something @stephenkendal and @Starkerz 's #promo-steem project might be able to help with.

Failing that any steemian or group of steemians that are looking to promote steemit in their location might just want to self-fund the printing. They could post about their individual project and how they distribute the recipe sheets and book. Hopefully the upvotes from the posts would help cover the costs.

Does anyone think that this is a worthwhile way to promote steemit?

Anyone interested in contributing a recipe?

Anyone interested in helping make this happen?

I would be happy to take this project forward if there is enough interest.

It would be great if anyone would like to help. I am sure it would be much easier with a steem team. The tasks of recipe selection, editing, layout, design and production could be shared.

I look forward to your comments. Thank you.

[Graphic by Pennsif // food images from pixabay - Creative Commons CC0]

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