You Can Use Steemit To Transform Your Community Today!! #steemit

After reading @benslayton's post, @steemship's post and @jennamarbles' post, my eyes were open to the wider uses of Steem.

I realised that I could leverage Steem today to influence governance at the community level!

Make a detailed blog post outlining a community problem, and how you intend to use the rewards that your post accrue to solve the problem. 

For example:

-  Bins in your local community within your council/town not getting collected due to budget cuts from the central state or even from the wider council/town? 

You can pledge to use the rewards from your blog post to fund private refuse collection!

- Low educational opportunities for children in your area? 

You can pledge to use the rewards from your blog post to fund private tutors and to rent a space for children to be taught in!

- Is homelessness rampant within your community?

You can pledge to use the rewards from your blogpost to fund a Food Bank! 

- Are certain members of your community plagued with debt?

Leverage Steemit to crowdfund debt repayment!

And so on...

This is something very feasible, that can be achieved right now!

All it takes is the will.

I've created a group on 'Social Steemit' called 'Our Community' where those who are interested in Communal Care can  convened to discuss approaches to collectively improve our communities.

If you haven't heard of 'Social Steemit' I recommend you read this post.

Gradually we can change the world, and it starts at the community level!

Check out these articles!

Why Whales Are Important

Steemit's Answer to Facebook and Slack

How to Fight Obscurity on Steem!

No Money? Then Flag!

Discussion on Censorship in Steem's Whitepaper

#steemit #life #money #anarchism #motivational  #economics #philosophy #politics

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