Steemit Promo Exclusive : Article and Video of the Most Recent $1,000 Feed The Homeless Operation I Donated

After my life awakening 15 years ago, for me, life has been easy. I have traveled the world, visiting every state in the USA including Alaska and Hawaii, as well as visiting every continent besides Antarctica. 

Every where I have been, to varying degrees I observe real problems of which I have already found real solutions. So I dedicated my life to being the example and setting up operations to help as many people as possible improve their lives. 

This is the main reason I founded The Garden of Eden: to create a place where people could not only witness a living example of people thriving, but also visit and learn things of importance to them. 


The Garden of Eden operates on a proceeds not profits foundation, so all the products/services of life improving value we offer at our boutique or online goes to raising funds for feeding, educating, clothing, and sheltering people, as well as building sustainable infrastructure to provide for even more people every year. 

I was very excited to find this revolutionary platform known as Steemit, as it is a prime example of how a platform can change lots of people's lives and even set a new standard for how we interface with life in a legitimately improved way.


Even though my posts don't bring in enough to really be fair compensated for my time, I have received  significantly more for my posts that I share with the world anyway than I have from any other online platform. 

I also truly believe in and have hope for the revolutionary potential of this community and that is what my life is ALL about!

So in honor of this great potential, I have already inspired 50+ people to sign up for Steemit and just started my new Steemit Fashion Line which I debuted exclusively here on Steemit! Thanks to @everlove for the photo shoot. 


I wore my new Epic Shreds Steemit T to the Feed The Need event and made this video to share with the world. 

Grateful to be here and hope all of our lives continue to improve!


This operation was a GREAT success! Without any government funding, private benefactors or corporate sponsors, we were able to raise enough money with our own products/services to donate a $1,000 operation to those in need. We didn't just serve 300 free meals--we served 300 SUSTAINABLE meals. We used no disposables (that means no throw away plates, napkins, silverware, bowls); we even filled hundreds of our own water bottles with our own filtered water. The Eden Knights donated 42.5 man hours for the entirety of this process, and most importantly these people in need didn't just get fed, they got CARED for--something that they find little of and appreciate greatly. 

We brought flower bouquets, we brought extra take away food on top of the hot meals, and we took time to talk to and love them. This was not a drop and run but more of a family feast. 

To make this even more profound we did this despite the fact that it is illegal to feed the homeless without a costly permit and hoops to jump through which would make this operation very very difficult. We risked being fined or as we have unfortunately seen before, even being arrested. 

To comply with unjust laws is to support an unjust world~

I close with some choice photos of this event. 


Here we set up one of the tables, with table cloth and all~


Table is set with flower bouquet and all!

Crowds of people poured in and kept on coming until the food was gone. 


Even The Children Help Out~


We take time to be with the people~

If you believe what I do is valuable. Please UPvote, comment, share, spread the word. As the more support I get the more people I help, everyday~*~

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