CM September Report - Moving Translation Category Forward with Recruitment

CM Monthly Report - Our Most Recent Activities in Translation Category: September Recruitment


It has been about 4 months now since the Translation category opened at One of the most important thing to keep the translation category moving forward is opening recruitment windows for Steemit people to apply.

These are truly exciting times for us Community managers. Being in the front line of interacting with all these new applicants, assessing their suitability, we can form new language teams with their respective moderators to get involved in translating Open Source projects to multi-languages.

In this article, I will give a report on the recent 3rd recruitment that took place at the end of August and the decisions made in forming these new teams in September. I will also include the activities that took place in October so that you are up-to-date with the latest recruitment.

Brief Summary of 3 Recruitments

These recruitments are very vital to get the translation category growing in momentum.

Whenever we do recruitments, we require the applicants to write a blog post on Steemit stating their reasons for wanting to be a translator or language moderator for their language. This post gives a detail explanation of the format that is required in their applications. They will then submit their post in the #job-application room in the Davinci Discord Channel.

During these recruitment time, our 3 Community Language Managers with Davinci staff will go through each application, listen to each audio to assess the suitability of the candidates. Both their written post and audio voice over can give us a good indication of how proficient they are in English and in their native language.

The process of review usually takes a week as we don't want to rush through these assessments. We spend time going through each application one by one. For me, I am just as excited as the applicants are whenever I study their application posts. Their fire of enthusiasm often times motivates me to coach them to bring their translation skills up to a standard to get accepted.

In our assessment, we make comments and remarks on the assessment sheet to decide whether they are qualified for the Language moderator or translator roles. The Davinci team will then finalize the decisions with a Steemit post to announce the newly appointed language moderators and verified translators at the end of each recruitment.

Here is a summary chart of the 3 Recruitments

Instead of just writing out the result of the 3rd recruitment, I am including the summary of our previous 2 recruitments so that you can see the comparisons of the countries and the number of applicants for all 3 recruitments. This will give you an idea of how the language teams are formed from these applications.

So far in our data base, we have received a total of 194 candidates applying for 27 different languages.

Dates of RecruitmentNumber of ApplicantsLanguages
June 5-7133Spanish (29); Filipino (19); Nigerian (Yoruba, Pidgin, Hausa) (16); Urdu (10); Italian (10); Indonesian (10); Greek (6); Arabic (5); Turkish (4); Polish (4); Chinese (4); Portuguese (3); Bengali (3); Vietnamese (1); Ukranian (1); Thai (1); Slovenian (1); Russian (1); Malyalam (1); Hindi (1); German (1); Dutch (1); Cebuano (1)
July 1-554Turkish (9); Chinese (7); Vietnamese (5); German (4); Spanish (4); Arabic (3); Bengali (3); Italian (2); Nigerian (Yoruba, Pidgin, Hausa) (4); Polish (3); Indonesian (2); Dutch (1); Filipino (1); French (1); Hebrew (1); Hungarian (1); Malay (1); Slovenian (1); Portuguese (1)
Aug 24-2947Spanish (14); Polish (6) Arabic (4); Dutch (4); Serbain (3); Portuguese (3); French (3); Hebrew (2); Turkish (1); Pidgin (1); Chinese (1); German (1); Russian (1); Bengali (1); Italian (1); Indonesian (1);--------
  • In the 3rd column of the above table, the bracket behind the language designates the number of candidates applying for that particular language.
  • We have the greatest number of applicants in June; People were waiting in long stretched necks since April, so when the translation door opened, lots of applications flowed in.
  • The 2nd recruitment had fewer applications. Less but more. Why? The applications that came in were of higher quality. This is probably due to the fact that they saw the result of the first recruitment and knew the standards that we were looking for.
  • In this 3rd recruitment, still fewer applications yet the quality of applicants was even more outstanding.
  • Spanish has the most applicants, followed by Filipino and then Nigerian.

It's been a great experience for me to assess 194 Steemit applicants. Each one is very important in my eyes.

The Results of the 3rd Recruitment


We opened the 3rd recruitment window at the end of August for about a week. Quite a lot of Spanish, Polish, Serbian, French and Portuguese applicants came in this time. So whenever suitable language moderators are qualified to lead their language teams with competent translators, we would then form new teams for them.

4 New Teams Activated in September

In September, we managed to start 4 new Language teams from the applications of the 3rd recruitment.

  1. Serbian Team - 1 LM with 3 Translators
  2. Portuguese Team - 1 LM with 3 Translators
  3. French Team - 1 LM with 3 Translators
  4. Hebrew Team - 1 LM with 2 Translators

A full team would have 1 LM with 5 Translators in the group. As you can see, these are not full teams yet, so we will need to wait for future recruitment to expand these teams into full teams.

7 Teams Were Further Consolidated in September

From the applicants in our 3rd recruitment, we were able to consolidate some of our previous language teams also. Since some of our language teams are growing in size, we also added a 2nd language moderator into these language team.

  1. Arabic Team: 2 Language Moderators with 8 Translators
  2. Chinese Team: 2 Language Moderators with 6 translators
  3. German Team: 1 Language Moderator with 5 Translators
  4. Dutch Team: 1 Language Moderator with 5 Translators
  5. Italian Team: 2 Language Moderators with 6 Translators
  6. Polish Team: 2 Language Moderators with 9 Translators
  7. Spanish Team: 2 Language Moderators with 10 Translators

This is where we are at in the Translation Category.

September - Down to 2 Community Language Managers

It was great having @marugy99 as one of the CLM assessing the applicants of the 3rd recruitment. Maru prefers to use more of her time in doing actual translation, so instead of continuing on in the Community Manager role, she has now taken up the role of the 2nd Language Moderator for the Spanish team. Now there's @jmromero and I there as CLM working with the Davinci staff.

October Recruitment - New Yoruba Team

In October, we did not open a recruitment window to get new applicants as we still have many applicants from the two previous recruitments waiting for their languages to open.

On October 7th, the Davinci team activated a new language team. We have been in touch with the Yoruba applicants for some time already and they are quite an active group.

Yoruba is a language spoken in West Africa. It is a pluricentric language spoken mainly in Benin and Nigeria, but also with communities in Sierra Leone, Liberia and other parts of Africa.

We like to welcome the Yoruba team on board!

Upcoming Events

In the month of October, the Davinci team will continue recruiting new teams and re-structuring present teams if needed.

New language teams will get activated when they are ready. We thank you for your patience in waiting for your language to get involved in the translation. If your language has not been activated yet, please be patient.

Many have also asked about "when" the next recruitment window will be? We will let you know as soon as a date is set and confirmed. However, there may be a possibility that there will be continuous recruitment in the Davinci Discord Channel. Stay tuned. We will keep you updated with these reports.

Thank you for your attention,

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