Sharing My Passion with Steemit and a Look in the Mirror

As a traveling farmer and future homesteader I have to consider what income do I want to generate to help pay for my homesteading activities; or rather what income can I generate to sustain my life and well being?

I have decided to take on @taskmaster4450's challenge of dedicating more time and effort to steemit

When I started using steemit I had a goal in mind.

I was considering creating a membership website with @idyllwild where we would regularly share homesteading related information in exchange for a subscription fee. The idea was that we would market the website and generate a modest monthly income that would make up part of our overall homestead income, combined with other efforts.

At the same time I was researching cryptocurrencies and came across steemit. I thought to myself wow! what a perfect opportunity to use steemit to test the market and try out some post ideas before committing to building a new membership blog So I signed up and started posting.

I was welcomed by other homesteaders right off the bat. And to my surprise as I started digging into steemit the community was vibrant and happening!

I was immediately drawn in and thoroughly enjoying my experience on steemit. Why?

I am being rewarded for talking about my passions!

And on top of that I am having meaningful conversations with amazing people around the world that treat each other with respect, honor and kindness. People of different ages, backgrounds and experience treating each other like equals.

When there is a dollar sign attached to our interactions, how does this happen? Sure there are also people on steemit that want the easy token and don't care about the meaningful interactions. But it's interesting to see that there is still a prevalent current of caring, sharing and transfer of knowledge.

So to be rewarded for sharing my passions by people that respect me and that I respect... I call that a dream job, if it can be called a job. I don't consider my writing and posting on steemit a job in the traditional sense. That work feels heavy, coming with it is the boss, the underlying fear of losing a paycheck if I don't please my boss or my boss's boss. So I would call my work on steemit a lifestyle rather than a job.

My motivation to step up my game with steemit is financially driven but the greatest reward is being respected by peers and being recognized for offering value in the culture that I choose to participate.

A month later after starting this proof of concept for a blogging business and I have already received more than I could have expected.

I was handed a mirror in which I could look at myself

I have learned more about sharing with others on steem in the last month than I have in a long time. Being rewarded for my passion has helped motivate me to share.

Sharing effortlessly is something I have always had a problem with. In the last few years I have been making effort to share more, but it is difficult to overcome emotional hurdles and to break down habits.

Partially it has been difficult for me to share because of deep insecurities. Being rewarded for sharing my passions has given me more confidence in accepting who I am and making more progress in healing those insecurities. It is giving me more motivation to continue sharing.

I realize now more than ever that the one thing I cannot be selfish about is knowledge. Knowledge and unity are what we need for positive transformation. I choose to claim my confidence, break the chains of greed and share knowledge and insights as I gain them.

Reaching this mindset reveals a new question. What do I really want to do?

Aside from gardening and eating good food with friends and family, the true calling in my heart is to share knowledge, curiosity, joy, love and acceptance. By learning to accept myself I can more fully share myself. And as @taskmaster4450 wisely says: sharing is caring.

So my goal with steemit is to continue living the change I want to see in the world. Continue challenging myself and learning from others. It's not an easy goal but it's a worthy goal.

Thank you to all the readers, followers, commenters and upvoters that believe in me.


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