Something fishy is going on...

I've been duped.

So today I posted this article: @senseiteekay/globalization-through-decentralization-fixing-the-world
6 hours after the article was posted I noticed that it was on the first page of the Politics topic's trending list with 16 votes (it received none during the hacks downtime), when all of a sudden the site goes down. I've now spent the last 7 hours networking to try and find out what went wrong whilst following the feed.
Whilst me and many other users weren't able to log on, many new users have been creating accounts, and many other "established" users have spent those 7 hours voting on posts. Also, it should be mentioned again that the exploits of @adm and @abit along with @smooth, @smooth_1, @smooth_2, and @alittle, have all but carried on in the downtime, taking advantage of the liquidity exploit found earlier today by another user.

On top of all that, the Politics topic link has been removed and no one seems to be able to tell me as to why.

I want answers.

I've poured a lot of effort into my few posts since joining this site three days ago and I feel like I've just been robbed. Something needs to be done about the inequality that me and many other users have experienced within the downtime.
Also, what's to stop this from happening again and what measures will be implemented to ensure that a fair and equal voting can be continued through a downtime?

I'm utterly speechless as it was only yesterday that I brought over 20 users to the site via my own marketing techniques on Facebook.

Seriously, this is some bullshit.

#steemit #hack #politics #fraud #marketmanipulation #money

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